Centricity™ Perinatal Technical Roadmap Chuck Levecke and Mike Jordan
Disclaimer © 2015 General Electric Company – All rights reserved. General Electric Company reserves the right to make changes in specifications and features shown herein, or discontinue the product described at any time without notice or obligation. This does not constitute a representation or warranty or documentation regarding the product or service featured. Centricity Perinatal does not replace clinical observation and evaluation of the patient at regular intervals, by a qualified care provider, who will make diagnoses and decide on treatments or interventions. Features of the Centricity Perinatal system are intended to support clinical decision making and should be used in combination with other clinical inputs, such as real time patient observation and information contained within other systems or recording tools. Not intended to be used as a primary monitoring device. Predix™ is GE’s software platform for the Industrial Internet. Predix enables asset and operations optimization by providing a standard way to run industrial-scale analytics and connect machines, data, and people. Whether your solutions are deployed on machines, on-premise or in the cloud, Predix provides an integrated stack of technologies for distributed computing and big data analytics, asset management, machine-to-machine communication and mobility, meeting your needs for scalability, extensibility, customizability, and security. GE, the GE Monogram, Centricity, and imagination at work are trademarks of General Electric Company. GE Healthcare, a division of General Electric Company.
Introduction Mike Jordan Chuck Levecke Principal SW Architect, MIC Leader of MIC SW Architecture + 30 years @ GEHC & Perinatal mike.jordan@ge.com Chuck Levecke Software Director, MIC Leader of Software Architecture, Engineering, and User Experience team +10 years @ GEHC +6 years with Perinatal charles.levecke@ge.com
Agenda Centricity Perinatal Technology Evolution Internet of Things, the Industrial Internet, and GE’s Predict-ivity Platform Centricity Perinatal & Predix™ Big Data & Analytics Cloud Enablement Next Gen Software Engineering Technical Practices
Centricity Perinatal Technology Evolution 2011 35 Millionth baby born on Centricity Perinatal* 1Estimated US birth rate is based on data from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) http://www.cdc.gov/nchs/births.htm and applicable customer data. 2001 1000th System Outbound Interface CCOW, OBLink Modula2/C++ 1990 2000 2010 2013 2014 New technology introduction 1992 First QS system Installed Central, Bedside Modula2/C++ 2010 Data Reporting module, Next Gen UX research 2012 Connect module Launched .NET/WPF 2013 CPN Web for iPad & Smartphones HTML5 2014 Streaming Clinical Analytics Baby ticker available here: http://www3.gehealthcare.com/en/products/categories/healthcare_it/departmentals/centricity_perinatal, announcement of 35 millionth baby here: http://www.genewsroom.com/Press-Releases/GE-Healthcare-Celebrates-Delivery-of-35th-Millionth-Baby-217192
Rise of the Industrial Internet History of transformation and change Wave 3 Industrial Internet Wave 2 Internet Revolution Internet, big data, analytics + integration with machines, facilities and fleets Innovation Computing power and rise of distributed information networks Wave 1 Industrial Revolution Machines and factories that power economies of scale and scope time
Industrial Internet Follows Moore’s Law. https://www. gesoftware https://www.gesoftware.com/sites/default/files/the-industrial-internet/index.html
1. 2. 3. 4. Forces Shaping the Industrial Internet https://www.gesoftware.com/sites/default/files/the-industrial-internet/index.html A convergence of enabling technologies is setting the stage for transformation. Internet of Things 1. Intelligent Machines 2. Big Data 3. Analytics 4. Increasing system intelligence through embedded software Rise of machines: networked devices overtook the global population in 2011 Democratization of data Data overload: 2.5 quintillion bytes of data created every day Generating data-driven insights Enhancing asset performance by detecting & predicting forecasts Algorithms on installed base Hyper-connectivity: a living network of machines data and people More devices tap into the Internet than people on Earth to use them
Centricity Perinatal & Predix – Architecture Integrated Care Enterprise Imaging Care Delivery Healthcare Commercial Offerings Health and Population Management Imaging Visualization and Analytics Device Network and Data Solutions Healthcare Platform Services App Ecosystem Services Customer collaboration Cloud/On-premise EDGE compute Content management Imaging services Visualization Post-processing Communications bus Device services Visualization Real-time streaming Device configuration Cross-cutting healthcare domain services Application framework • Healthcare UI controls • Context management HIPAA security extensions • Data and Web interop services • Development environment Predix Platform Services Deployment Operations $ Security Machine-Net Data Access Collaboration Analytics User Experience Workflow DESCRIPTIONS OF FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY REFLECT CURRENT PRODUCT DIRECTION, ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY. TIMING AND AVAILABILITY REMAIN AT GE’S DISCRETION AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND APPLICABLE REGULATORY CLEARANCE.
Centricity Perinatal & Predix Integrated Care Enterprise Imaging Care Delivery Healthcare Commercial Offerings Health and Population Management Imaging Visualization and Analytics Device Network and Data Solutions Healthcare Platform Services App Ecosystem Services Customer collaboration Cloud/On-premise EDGE compute Content management Imaging services Visualization Post-processing Communications bus Device services Visualization Real-time streaming Device configuration Cross-cutting healthcare domain services Application framework • Healthcare UI controls • Context management HIPAA security extensions • Data and Web interop services • Development environment Predix Platform Services Deployment Operations $ Security Machine-Net Data Access Collaboration Analytics User Experience Workflow DESCRIPTIONS OF FUTURE FUNCTIONALITY REFLECT CURRENT PRODUCT DIRECTION, ARE FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND DO NOT CONSTITUTE A COMMITMENT TO PROVIDE SPECIFIC FUNCTIONALITY. TIMING AND AVAILABILITY REMAIN AT GE’S DISCRETION AND ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND APPLICABLE REGULATORY CLEARANCE.
Big Data & Analytics Value Prescriptive analytics Predictive analytics What should be done? 011 01 1 1 1 101100 100 10 1 1 0 10010 110 100 101010 1101 011 1010 1000110010001101 00010101011110100110101010101000110010001101 1100100011010001010101111010011010101010100011001100100101010100010001101 01010101111010011010101010100011001000110100010101011001101001101010101010 00100011010001011011010111101001101010101010001100100011010001010101111010 1101010101010001111001000110100010101011110100110101010101000110010001101 0010101011110100110101010101000110010001101000101010111101001101010101010 0011001000110100010101011110100110101010101000110010001101 0 01 1011 1 10011010 010 0001 1000 01 1101 11010 001 1010 01 Predictive analytics What will happen? Descriptive analytics What & why it happened?
Cloud Benefits Reliability Metered Green Serviceability Elasticity Images from http://gesoftware.com Elasticity – Dynamic Scalability Energy Efficiency – Green, Low TCO Metered - Pay-as-you-go, CapEx – OpEx, Cost Avoidance Universal Accessibility – Mobile, Collaboration Service – Deployment, Updates, Disaster Recovery Reliability Metered Green Serviceability Elasticity Security
Next Gen Software Engineering Technical Practices User Centered Design Interaction Design, Visual Design User Feedback Clinical Solution Validation Manual tests run by Clinicians Workflow based tests with actual devices connected to simulators System Verification End-to-end testing Manual & automated Simulated devices, and actual devices connected to simulators Component Verification Components all tested in isolation via test harnesses & mocks +2300 tests, 85% automated (Platform: 450/98%, Web: 118/68%, Client: 500/78%) Nightly execution Unit Testing +16K tests Run each time a code change is made +80% code coverage