Unit G620 Science at Work
Statement from specification: Candidates will produce a research portfolio related to information on organisations that use science. Candidates’ evidence will include: • records of candidate’s survey of four science-based organisations with an in-depth study of one of them and information on health and safety issues; • information showing an understanding of the impact on society of the candidate’s one chosen organisation.
What do Scientists do?
Task 1 In a group (2 or 3): On a sheet of A3 paper, make a list of five organisations or businesses that would involve the use of Science. For each one, write a clear statement of what the business or organisation does, and where science may be used as part of the work. Lay it out like this:
Organisation What it does How Science is involved Jewsons Supplies a wide range of building materials to building firms and the public. Staff need a knowledge of different materials and how they behave. Specialist staff may need a detailed knowledge of construction and how various types of material can be used together in constructing buildings.
Now look at the exemplars from last year. The student is supposed to include the following: A detailed description of the product or service provided. A detailed description of the work that is carried out. What Science might be involved in the work What legal or health and safety issues might be relevant. How well do you think they have covered the above points?
Now you can begin your research for your first assignment Choose one organisation – try to pick something you have some interest in or some connection with. Begin carrying out some research – keep a log of every website you use and what information came from them.