Next Generation Simulation (NGSIM) Overview John Halkias FHWA Office of Transportation Management Gene McHaleFHWA Office of Operations R&D NGSIM Stakeholders Meeting March 24-25, 2003
Outline FHWA’s Traffic Analysis Tools Program Leading to NGSIM NGSIM Core Algorithms and Data Sets NGSIM Stakeholder Groups
FHWA Traffic Analysis Tools Program Program Goals Wider Use / Acceptance of Tools More Trusted Results Program Tracks DeploymentDevelopment Types of Activities Guidance & training materials Promotion of current tools Support of current tools Developing new tools Improving analytical foundation of existing tools
FHWA Recent Activities in Simulation Assessing User Needs Assessing Current Simulation Market Results Viable market in traffic simulation packagesViable market in traffic simulation packages Still gaps in functionality that require algorithm developmentStill gaps in functionality that require algorithm development Users not sure how valid the models are, or how they compute their results – “black box”Users not sure how valid the models are, or how they compute their results – “black box”
FHWA’s Decision Maintain a strong presence and role in traffic simulation Do not compete with private sector software development market, instead act as market facilitator Provide open, freely distributed products (data sets & algorithms) to benefit entire traffic community – users, vendors, researchers
Benefits of NGSIM Fosters commercial market, instead of Federal competition Exploits inherent strengths of public & private sectors Enhances state-of-the-art in simulation modeling Enables users to better understand (& justify) modeling results
NGSIM Strategies Stakeholder interaction and involvement User, Modeler, Developer GroupsUser, Modeler, Developer Groups Incremental product development Deliver algorithms & data sets as they become availableDeliver algorithms & data sets as they become available Use of open processes Products and activitiesProducts and activities Ongoing impact assessment Monitor market reactionMonitor market reaction
Contract – “NGSIM Core Algorithms and Data Sets” Contract Objective (from RFP): “… to develop a core of open behavioral algorithms in support of traffic simulation… …that describe the interactions of multi-modal travelers, vehicles and highway systems… …openly distributed and made freely available to the broad transportation community.”
Contract Products Develop openly distributed: Algorithms, validated with real world dataAlgorithms, validated with real world data Data sets, for validating existing tools and core algorithmsData sets, for validating existing tools and core algorithms Documentation of algorithms and data setsDocumentation of algorithms and data sets
How we envision NGSIM affecting market Software developers use NGSIM data sets and algorithms to improve their products Academic community conducts focused research in the development of improved traffic behavioral models Simulation model users can choose the most valid tools for their applications and gain insight into their methodologies Community interacts with the program through the NGSIM repository and website
How we envision NGSIM affecting market Algorithms Data Sets NGSIM Website and Repository Software Developers Model Users Improved Software Tools Model Developers / Researchers Focused Research Valid Results
NGSIM Stakeholders Involved from the beginning, involved throughout Stakeholder Groups created to act as surrogates for the traffic simulation market sectors
NGSIM Stakeholder Groups Objectives: Foster strengthened coordination and partnerships between the FHWA and stakeholdersFoster strengthened coordination and partnerships between the FHWA and stakeholders Heighten awareness, understanding, and adoption of traffic simulation concepts and strategies among key decision- makersHeighten awareness, understanding, and adoption of traffic simulation concepts and strategies among key decision- makers Establish three stakeholder groups Membership of 15 members in each groupMembership of 15 members in each group FriendsFriends Meet once a year, and correspond electronically more frequently using e ‑ mail and the web site
Stakeholder Groups Model Users Group – Chair: Dr. George List Focus on the needs and requirements of end-usersFocus on the needs and requirements of end-users Representatives from state and local transportation agencies and consultantsRepresentatives from state and local transportation agencies and consultants Traffic Modelers Group – Chair: Dr. Dolf May Focus on the selection, development, and validation of core algorithmsFocus on the selection, development, and validation of core algorithms Representatives with demonstrated expertise in the area of traffic modelingRepresentatives with demonstrated expertise in the area of traffic modeling Software Developers Group – Chair: Dr. Charlie Wallace Help ensure that developed products have the maximum likelihood of influencing and improving commercial productsHelp ensure that developed products have the maximum likelihood of influencing and improving commercial products Developers and distributors of traffic simulation softwareDevelopers and distributors of traffic simulation software