THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH Early Career Researchers at The University of Edinburgh Jeremy Bradshaw Assistant Principal (Researcher Development) Chair of Molecular Biophysics THE UNIVERSITY of EDINBURGH
“The UK is committed to enhancing the higher-level capabilities of the UK workforce including the development of world-class researchers. Researchers are critical to economic success, addressing major global challenges, and building a leading knowledge economy.” (Vitae Researcher Development Statement)
“The Concordat is an agreement between the funders and employers of researchers in the UK, setting out the expectations and responsibilities of each stakeholder in researcher careers – researchers themselves, their managers, employers and funders. It aims to increase the attractiveness and sustainability of research careers in the UK and to improve the quantity, quality and impact of research for the benefit of UK society and the economy.”
Welcome to Edinburgh!
The University of Edinburgh has around: 33k students 6.5k academic staff 6k support staff 4.5k PGR students 1.7k early career researchers
“As a world-leading centre of academic excellence we aim to: Enhance our position as one of the world’s leading research and teaching universities and to measure our performance against the highest international standards; Provide the highest quality learning and teaching environment for the greater wellbeing of our students; Produce graduates fully equipped to achieve the highest personal and professional standards; Make a significant, sustainable and socially responsible contribution to Scotland, the UK and the world, promoting health and economic and cultural wellbeing.”
“To meet our aim we will: attract, reward and retain the best people, accessing talent from around the world develop the knowledge, capabilities and skills of our people maintain a sustainable staffing profile which meets our evolving needs be inclusive, supportive and collegial in our approach, which is underpinned by principles of dignity and respect, equality and diversity, health, safety and wellbeing.”
Welcome to Edinburgh! Senatus Researcher Experience Committee Institute for Academic Development Post-Doc Societies
What do we mean by Early Career Researcher? a person who has taken up their first post following completion of their PhD (REC Taskgroup on Early Career Researchers) As defined by REC taskgroup First steps on career ladder.
Key Findings Much good practice exists within the University; Careers management support is available from Institute for Academic Development, Careers Service, Edinburgh Research and Innovation and through schools, research institutes and research staff societies; There is an issue with the visibility of this information to research staff and awareness of what is available.
Good Practice in Other UK Universities Welcome to Edinburgh! Ease of finding information (e.g. Bristol has research staff pages accessible from university home page) Existence of specific structures to support induction (e.g. Cambridge has a dedicated webpage for new research staff, Bristol has “induction co-ordinators” in each school) “Branding” of career and personal development management services to raise profile (e.g. Sheffield “Think Ahead” programme)
Recommendations Research staff webpages; Induction; Mentoring; Information on researcher destinations.