INTRODUCTION Aminata Diaby Senior Project Officer Delivery Unit Greater London Authority
PURPOSE OF TODAY’S EVENT To announce the Haringey Employment Support Project To take providers through the grant application process An opportunity for providers to network and to develop partnership working
AGENDA 12h30 – 14h00 Overview Aminata Diaby, GLA Haringey context Ambrose Quashie, LB of Haringey Haringey Employment Project Outcomes and Budget Partnership Working The Procurement Process Procurement Timetable Q&A All Networking
Overview On 16th January 2012 the Mayor of London and Haringey Council announced a £41m funding and investment package for Tottenham. This included funding to support a new Haringey Employment and Skills programme (HESP) The GLA, with support from Haringey Council, is now planning to launch the Employment Support element of the programme which will help people furthest from the labour market, or in low paid work, towards employment and/or a higher paid job.
EMPLOYMENT AND SKILLS NEEDS IN HARINGEY Ambrose Quashie Economic Development Officer Economic Development Service Haringey Council
DEMOGRAPHY Population – 263,400 Growth of 28% over the past 20 years Population projected to grow to 316,200 by 2041 71% of population aged 16-64 England – 64% 53% of population aged 20-49 England – 41% Ethnic minority population – 65% London – 55% England – 20%
LOW PAY Despite broad economic recovery real wages have fallen for the longest sustained period since 1964 Between 1996/97 and 2012/13 the proportion of people in poverty living in households where at least one adult was in employment increased from 35% to 50% Estimated to be 750,000 people living in London who earn below the London Living Wage and there is evidence to suggest that a significant number of these Londoners have been stuck in low paid jobs for over a decade
BUSINESS BASE 61,300 jobs across Haringey Top employment sectors Retail – 14% Education – 13% Health – 9% Business administration & support services – 8% Arts, entertainment, recreation & other services – 8% However, jobs in Haringey represent only 1% of jobs in London, and...
HESP – TARGET GROUPS Support for: Expectation that a: Unemployed people (i.e. people claiming Job Seeker’s Allowance) Economically inactive people (i.e. people claiming Employment & Support Allowance, Incapacity Benefit, Income Support or no benefits People in low paid employment (i.e. people earning below the London Living Wage) Expectation that a: Maximum of 90% of project participants will be unemployed or economically inactive Minimum of 10% of project participants will be in low paid employment
HESP – EQUALITIES GROUPS Parents (including lone parents) At least 25% of participants Women At least 50% of participants Young people (aged 16-24) At least 20% of participants People with a health condition or disability At least 10% of participants Ethnic minorities
HESP - GEOGRAPHY A minimum of 80% of project participants will reside in the following wards: Bounds Green St Ann’s Bruce Grove Stroud Green Harringay Tottenham Green Hornsey Tottenham Hale Noel Park West Green Northumberland Park White Hart Lane Seven Sisters Woodside
Funding Opportunities Total funding available: £796,750 The GLA is seeking to offer two Grants at a maximum value of £398,375 each The minimum deliverables are indicated in table below Output/outcome 2 Grants on offer Sustained Employment outcomes (for 26 weeks) and Sustained progression outcomes (for 26 weeks) A minimum of 125 per grant offer Delivery period March 2015- March 2017
Outcomes and Budget The project is funded through payments by results (outcome related funding) Payments are released as participants achieve milestones relating to enrolment, (Starters), 30hrs of support activity, entry to Employment, sustaining Employment or progression for 26 weeks Applicants may request an initial advance of up to 5% of their full project cost, and this will be recovered against the initial Starter payments
Outcomes and Budget The GLA will pay a fixed average Overall Unit Cost for the achievement of 26 week sustained employment outcomes, and this payment will be made to fund all activities for all participants achieving a 26 week sustained employment outcome, including those who drop out prior to achieving a 26 week sustained employment outcome. The GLA have set a recommended minimum volume of outcomes for 26 week sustained outcomes, and applicants will be required to justify any proposed outcomes when submitting their application.
Partnership Working Projects may be developed to deliver either as; a Consortium a Lead Delivery Partner (sub-contracting other partners) or as an individual delivery organisation Applications will need to provide a list of which organisations they will work in partnership with and in what capacity to support the client group
Application Process The Application Form will be divided into three sections (including 2 stages) Section A – Not scored Section B – Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) Section C – Full Application Scored Questions Applicants will be able to submit questions for clarification to the GLA during the first 2 weeks of the launch of the application All submitted questions and the GLA responses will be published on the GLA website for the benefit of all applicants
PQQ stage The Pre-Qualification Questionnaire (PQQ) is divided into 3 sections Mandatory questions Information only questions Scored questions Applications that fail to meet the minimum requirements of the mandatory questions section will not progress to the scored questions Only the highest 15 scoring applicants from Section B will progress to Section C where the Full Application will be scored Mandatory questions must be answered in accordance with the GLA’s minimum requirement. Where more than 1 applicant organisation scores the equivalent of the 15th placed applicant organisation, all organisations with an equivalent score will progress to Section C
Full Application STAGE Where applicants are approved for funding following due diligence checks, the GLA will interview the top 5 scoring applicants from the Section C (Full Application stage) However, all applicants who are approved for funding following due diligence checks and score 75% or more of the score available in the Full Application will be offered an interview
Application PRocess The GLA may adjust scores awarded to Section C questions either positively or negatively dependant on the answers given during interviews. This final score will determine the ranked position of the applicants GLA will carry out an Internal Moderation to review and agree the two successful applications
Application Timetable (provisional) Haringey Employment Support Application timetable Application Process Launched Monday 3rd November 2014 Period when questions can be raised Monday 3rd November 2014, 17.00 to Friday 14th November 2014, 17:00 Deadline for submission of applications Monday 15th December 2014, 12:00 Interviews for selected applicants 12th – 16th January 2015 Project delivery start March 2015 to March 2017
Weblink and next stepS The URL for the GLA MRF Haringey Employment Support Project webpage is: https://www.london.gov.uk/priorities/regeneration/high-streets/projects/tottenham/haringey-employment-support-project-funding-opportunity Slides from today’s presentation, Summary of the Q&A available on GLA will be on the GLA website Project Prospectus, application form and other relevant documents should be on above URL from Monday 3rd November (indicative date) The email address to use if you have questions during the application process is HaringeyEmploymentMRF@london.gov.uk