What we will cover today Overview& Objectives Assessment Process Round 2 Preparation Questions.


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Presentation transcript:

What we will cover today Overview& Objectives Assessment Process Round 2 Preparation Questions

NSRF Overview $1 billion Australian Government program Funding over 5 years for priority infrastructure Promote sustainable economic development Addressing disadvantage to achieve growth Encouraging strong partnerships

NSRF Objectives Fund investment ready infrastructure projects which support economic growth and address disadvantage Desired outcomes for regions Improved level of economic activity Increased productivity Employment and skilled workforce Capacity and capability to deliver major projects Improved partnerships Stability and viability of communities

Application Appraisal Framework Value Meet eligibility requirements Greatest relative merit Reasonable cost Acceptable risk

Eligibility Requirements Applicants must comply with all of the following eligibility requirements; Applicants must be an eligible applicant Projects must be an eligible project Grant sought is at least $20,000 and up to a maximum of $10 million NSRF grant is matched in cash on at least a dollar for dollar basis

Eligibility Requirements (cont..) All partner funding is confirmed The project completed on or before 31 December 2019 Deliver an economic benefit to the region beyond the period of construction and Submit a completed application, including the mandatory documents.

Who is eligible? Eligible Organisations Local councils Not-for-profit organisations (not owned by a Local, State or Territory Government) Other organisations can participate where they are a member of a consortium led by an eligible applicant

What is eligible? Eligible Projects Construction of new infrastructure, or the upgrade, or an extension to existing infrastructure Funding between $20,000 and $10 million Match funding in cash at least dollar-for-dollar Deliver an economic benefit to the region Project completed by 31 December 2019 Provide all mandatory documents

Who is ineligible? Ineligible Organisations XState and Northern Territory Governments XState and Territory owned corporations and not-for- profits XUniversities, technical colleges, schools and hospitals XOrganisations supported by other Commonwealth programmes and initiatives XRegional Development Australia Committees XFor profit organisations

What is ineligible? Ineligible Projects are those that: XDo not have all partner funding confirmed XDo not deliver sustainable economic benefits XEligible under the National Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements (NDRRA) XShift costs from state, territory or local governments XAre integral elements of hospitals

What is ineligible? Additionally, NSRF grants cannot be used for: XReplacement of existing infrastructure XExpenditure incurred prior successful announcement XProvision of services and support activities XSoft infrastructure XPayment of existing salaries XAdministrative overheads

Round One - Who Applied? LGA $940.4m NFP $270.6m Funding sought by organisation type LGANFP Eligible applications by organisation type AppliedEligible

Round One Eligible Applications 67% 33% 405 APPLICATIONS Eligible/Ineligible Eligible Ineligible 72% 28% 133 INELIGIBLE APPLICATIONS Reason for ineligibility Unconfirmed partner funding Other

Round One Applications - Observations 405Applications received in Round One $1.2bTotal funding requested 272Applications met eligibility criteria 133Applications did not meet eligibility criteria 96Applications did not have confirmed partner funding Failed to satisfy one or more criteria 162Were assessed as value for money 51Applications approved for funding (12.8%)

What’s new? Changes from Round One Two applications per Applicant per Round The replacement of existing infrastructure will only be eligible where there is a demonstrated significant increase in productivity Changed weighting of Criteria $25 million quarantined for projects seeking less than $1m

Your application will be assessed against 4 criteria The extent to which the project contributes to economic growth in the region The extent to which the project supports or addresses disadvantage in a region The extent to which the project increases investment and builds partnerships in the region The extent to which the project and Applicant are viable and sustainable Assessment Overview

Assessment Criteria: Criterion 1 The extent to which the project contributes to economic growth in the region Most important criterion and weighted by a factor of 3 Guidelines contain examples of what might constitute economic growth Must demonstrate the link between the project and economic growth Provide evidence to support claims Identify any social and community benefits

Assessment Criteria: Criterion 2 The extent to which the project supports or addresses disadvantage in a region Project should support disadvantaged regions or areas of disadvantage Demonstrate link between project and disadvantage Provide evidence to demonstrate link and benefits Guidelines give examples of indicators that could be used to demonstrate disadvantage

Assessment Criteria: Criterion 3 The extent to which the project increases investment and builds partnerships in the region Consideration will be given to: Partner cash contributions in addition to the mandatory 50 per cent matching funding Number of partners (do not have to be eligible organisations) In-kind support for the project Extent and nature of partnerships

Assessment Criteria: Criterion 4 The extent to which the project and Applicant are viable and sustainable The project has been scoped, costed and planned The project ‘Investment Ready’ – i.e. ready to start construction within 12 months of signing the funding agreement Project delivery risks and possible mitigations Applicant’s capacity to deliver the project (financial/experience) Sustainability of the Project beyond completion

Preparing for Round Two Improve your application Seek feedback on your Round One application Advice from Regional Development Australia Committee Workshop the criteria Prepare evidence that is targeted and specific Make it competitive Clear statement of benefits Evidence Understand the selection criteria Weighting on economic benefit and disadvantage

Preparing for Round Two Information Advice and Support Guidelines, Frequently Asked Questions and grants portal guidance are available at Questions can be ed to RDA Committees can advise on alignment with regional priorities, project development and applications

Preparing for Round Two Key Dates NSRF Guidelines (revised) released13 May 2015 NSRF Round Two Opened15 May 2015 Round Two Applications Close31 July 2015 Round Two Application Assessment Completed 31 October 2015 Announcements Round Two Projects to be funded Expected December 2015

How to Apply Online application form at Supporting documents (up to 20) only accepted online Max 15mb limit and no password protected documents Guidelines on website Helpdesk for GMS portal Other Strongly encouraged to participate in the Review survey These slides will be on the NSRF website Questions?

Bridges Renewal Programme & Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme Bridges Renewal Programme (BRP) $300m over 5 years from to Contribute to the productivity and community access of road bridges services local communities, and facilitating increased productivity by enhancing access to allow for greater efficiency Heavy Vehicle Safety and Productivity Programme (HVSPP) $200 million over 5 years from to Contribute to the improvement of the productivity and safety of heavy vehicle operations across Australia

Commonalities across both programmes Round One (BRP) and Round Four (HVSPP) conducted in parallel Both undertaken as part of a competitive merit based process State, territory and local governments are eligible 50:50 funding

Over 250 proposals submitted Over $300 million in Australian Government funds sought 73 successful projects $114 million in funding approved BRP Round One Outcomes

Over 140 proposals received Over $200 million in Australian Government funds sought 53 successful projects $97 million in funding approved HVSPP Round Four Outcomes

Be strategic and provide details on ‘bigger picture’ Provide details and sound justifiable evidence on current limitations and future benefits for broader network and/or community Address all criteria Consult with industry and community more broadly to ensure their views and priorities are considered Tips for Submitting Better Proposals:

Announcement expected in coming months Similar programme parameters and eligibility expected Assessment criteria will likely remain unchanged Proposing to make minor changes to the Programme Criteria and Proposal Form to better assist proponents in providing more programme specific data and information Next Rounds:

BRP and HV Hotline (02) BRP – HVSPP – Questions: