You are a Smart Consumer USmartConsumer Contract number: 13/590/SI12.675830 Project duration: 36 months (03/2014-02/2017) Last modified: 29.11.2014 1


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Presentation transcript:

You are a Smart Consumer USmartConsumer Contract number: 13/590/SI Project duration: 36 months (03/ /2017) Last modified:

2 To benefit consumers from their smart metes, by promoting new services for the household sector To support utilities by clarifying the consumers’ demands and interests Aim: to promote the smart meter rollout and services to household sector in the EU28+Norway, benefitting utilities and consumers simultaneously Market actors’ dialogue: favour market development & consumers’ protection and wishes The USmartConsumer project: utilising the full potential of the metering technology

3 Market activation Landscape report and factsheets Market studies Protection white paper Awareness campaign for consumers Campaign design and cooperation Workshops for consumers’ represent. Media, brochures, conferences, hotline, etc Action in the field Pilot design and cost- benefit Project development and conclusions Energy savings, CO2 reduction, engagement EU 28 Dissemination and Netwoking WebsiteEU Workshops Brochures, newsletter, press Final conference The project activities, step by step March February 2017 The USmartConsumer project: utilising the full potential of the metering technology Done Soon

4 The project activities, step by step: Landscape Report

5 Countries are classified in 5 groups: The SM European map 2014

6 The project activities, step by step: Services for Consumers Factsheets Type of service Frequent information to consumer and feedback Description Historical and recent information (not real-time) about the home energy usage, benchmark with others, comparisons with the own previous consumption or with average consumption data for the same segment, provides tips on energy efficiency (more effective if based on own and real information), and might establish targets for the month or year Type of service Real time information to consumer and feedback Description Provides information in real time (if directly connected to the meter at home), almost real time (if it is returned by the Telemanagement system), aiming at a fast consumer response Type of service Demand response Description Changes in electricity (or heat) usage by end-use customers compared to their normal consumption patterns in response to: a) changes in the price of electricity over time, or b) to incentive payments designed to induce lower electricity use at times of high wholesale market prices or when production or distribution system reliability is jeopardized Energy Monitor ©

7 The project activities, step by step: Market Survey with Segmentation A representative market survey on consumer needs, expectation and interests in order to:  exactly understand the householders wishes  how they will behave if correct tools and information are given to them  how they can increase their energy efficiency

8 The project activities, step by step: Consumer Protection Framework Paper To present all issues that affect the consumer when a smart meter is installed at home

9 European Communication, Dissemination and Networking

10 European Communication, Dissemination and Networking

11 European Communication, Dissemination and Networking

Coordination:Escan, s.l. Energy Consulting, Spain Francisco Puente Tel: Partners: Central Finland Energy Agency / Benet Ltd., Finland Centre for Sustainable Energy, United Kingdom The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Poland Austrian Energy Agency, Austria AISFOR, Italy NL Agency (RVO), The Netherlands REE-Management, Germany WEMAG, Germany Polish Consumer Federation National Council, Poland 12 PARTNERS & CONTACT INFORMATION The content of this document is for information purposes only and the sole responsibility lies with the authors. It does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the European Union. The European Commission, EASME and the USmartConsumer partners do not accept responsibility for any use made of the information contained therein.