Diabetes ??? Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world, in which the body cannot properly convert food into energy. Diabetics must be always cautious about the source of their calorie intake. Diabetics have greater needs of nutritional supplements for fulfilling the metabolic requirements of the body. Non starchy veggies, skimmed milk, lean chicken, high fiber fruits and low glycemic food products are smart choices for an informed diabetic.
About Us Owing to efficient implementation of our thorough knowledge and research of the health care industry, our assortment of health care and dietary supplements has been widely appreciated by our clients across the country. Our products contributes in improving the health as these carry dietary fibers, proteins, and minerals which delivers higher energy levels. Our strong quality standards and qualified manufacturing process promises and delivers high-end quality products to ensure that end users enhance their health and life.
Vision Statement We at Active Aayu, aim at promoting healthy life style and well being of our esteemed customers. Our focus is: To eliminate the nutritional and health imbalances in a human body. To provide result oriented products to the customer.
Mission Statement Our goal is that of a multi-faceted success. Our first responsibility is to the financial well-being of the business. We will meet this goal while trying to consider : Quality New product Development High end Research & Development
Success Mantra High quality advanced technology. We value our customers opinion. Use our vast experience and insights for improved products. Stay abreast with international developments. Continuous innovation to be globally competitive. Growth through "Intrapreneurship".
Facts & Figures Currently, At least 171 million people worldwide have diabetes; This figure is likely to be more than double by Almost 80% of diabetes deaths occur in low and middle-income countries. The urban population of India is 11% diabetic affected and rural is 3%. Diabetes in Asians is five times the rate of the white population
Diabetes Prevalence
Product & Nutrition Proper diet is essential for diabetic treatment. It helps patients suffering from diabetes in their course of treatment. It provides relief from symptoms and various complications in diabetics. Many diabetic patients can control their blood glucose by losing weight and that is possible only by proper diet. Make a difference by introducing Active Aayu products in your diet and feel fit and energetic all day long!
anti-Diabetic (wheat less) Atta The Anti Diabetic Atta is a combination of various grains, where the concentration of dietary fibres, minerals & proteins is more. All these things helps our body to cope with diabetes which is basically caused due to lack of insulin in the body. The amount of insulin, required to break down the sugar in the body, is reduced in diabetic people. This atta helps diabetic people to cope with this problem in a healthy manner. Non- diabetic people with diabetic history in family can also use this atta.
anti-Diabetic (wheat less) Atta Features: Made with Whole Grains 100% natural Rich in Dietary Fibers Rich in Proteins & Iron 0% wheat Good For Heart Remedy to High-Cholestrol
M/s Health Treat Agro Foods X-271, Ground Floor, Gali no. - 9, Ram Nagar, Gandhi Nagar, Delhi –