1 TREASURERS’ WORKSHOP Parish Income, Expenditure, Buying and Reserves
2 Reduce / Manage Expenditure? Parish Buying GPC Card (NatWest) How to: Manage Reserves and Cash? Increase Income?
3 Voluntary Planned Giving (recurring) Tax efficient (Gift-aided)} monthly standing order/ Other Planned Giving} weekly gift aid envelopes Cash Collections at Services } GASDS scheme (*) Fundraising Activities Parish Income Fees retained by PCC for Weddings and Funerals Dividends and Interest – Cash Management Scheme Voluntary Grants and Legacies (non-recurring) Trading Activities – hall lettings, magazine and book sales, coffee shop etc. (*) – contact Richard Illidge for help with claiming
4 Parish Share paid to Diocese Parish Expenditure Staff Salaries / Honoraria Clergy and Staff Expenses Regular Church Running Expenses Utilities: Gas / Electricity / Oil / Water Telephone and Mobile Insurance - EIG Cleaning Routine Maintenance Governance Capital: Major Repairs, Maintenance and Improvements Trading Costs Mission and Evangelism
Parish Buying: Releasing Resources for Parishes
Parish Buying Aims Currently 3,300+ members. Buying with Confidence – professional procurement Saving Money – aim to save £10m across English dioceses annually Saving Time – one stop shop All wrapped up in Better Stewardship of resources
Parish Buying Suppliers Selected following thorough tender process Regularly Monitored Fixed Contracts Ecumenical Cooperation
Registered suppliers also now available for: IT Hardware Telecoms Church Consumables
Working Ecumenically
Actions Register at Sign up and use the contracts Log your energy contract details Encourage others Feedback
or Tel: (freephone)
GPC Procurement Cards 12 A Purchasing Card available via NatWest No monthly charges or interest applied Works like a credit card Applications via the Finance Office ( Juliette Hill for details) Parishes must be up to date with parish share payments, fee returns and other statutory returns (incl. annual accounts)
13 Parish Reserves What is a reasonable level of Reserves and Cash to maintain? CC19 – Charities and Reserves