North West Coast Patient Safety Collaborative Presented by: Aly Hulme Associate Director.


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Presentation transcript:

North West Coast Patient Safety Collaborative Presented by: Aly Hulme Associate Director

Plan NWC AHSN – A brief overview North West Coast PSC – purpose and agreed functions Examples of progress to date Developments for 2015/16

Aims and objectives of AHSNs To spread innovation at pace and scale across NHS To promote and integrate the strengths of higher education, the NHS, industry, third sector To improve health of individuals and communities To focus on the needs of patients and local populations To speed up adoption of innovation into healthcare To build a culture of partnership and collaboration To create wealth

Representative Board (40 members) Provider trusts Commissioners – CCGs and NHS England Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) Public Health England Health Education England and LWEG Universities Clinical Research Network ABPI and ABHI Healthwatch and Self-Management UK Research hubs North West Coast Collaboration for Applied Health Research (CLAHRC)

Patient Safety Collaborative Part of a national programme - established and supported by the 15 AHSNs System-wide, locally owned and led, improvement programmes Aligns with and other national programmes e.g Sign Up to Safety and uses international learning A partnership – built on the existing strengths of a number of partners

Overarching Principles Local engagement - structured quality improvement initiatives leading to transformational change Continual improvement in system-wide capability in quality and safety Local systematic spread of improved outcomes across health and social care Networking between the AHSNs, partner organisations and stakeholders to ensure the optimal spread of good practice

National Safety Priorities

Other Key Features Two overarching themes – leadership for culture change – measurement for improvement Focus mainly on prevention of harm but also on lessons learned from incidents to prevent re- occurrence Use of innovative, evidence-based intervention Working in partnership with NHS England and NHS IQ There is no blueprint – we create a regional approach

Our Core Principles ‘Safety in everything’ culture – staff at every level and in every role have something to contribute to safety All sectors represented e.g. mental health, learning disability, community/primary care; care homes and social care organisations Build on and improve what already exists, provided it is fit for purpose, and has demonstrated that it can add value Promote digitally enhanced/enabled systems to aid data collection and analysis Multi – professional approach

Our Agreed Clinical Safety Priorities Medicines Optimisation Sepsis Transition from paediatric to adult care Hydration- including Acute Kidney Injury

Our Six Priorities for Action 1.Board level development in safety 2.Safety training and development for staff working at patient care level 3.Developing safety champions or leads in each organisation 4.Setting up learning networks around safety improvement themes 5. Technology reviews to identify solutions to safety issues

Progress Safety culture and Leadership: Developed patient safety network and safety champions in each organisation Developing a PPI strategy in conjunction with all AHSN programmes– patients and public as leaders Capability building: Delivered on programmes to develop capability in Human Factors, Culture & Measurement Measurement for improvement : Developed a NWC patient safety measurement strategy and dashboard (draft) Save the date 9 June 2015 “Measuring patient safety workshop” (Liner Hotel)

Progress Review of evidence & technology: Completed a Pressure Ulcer technical review Sign up to Safety Campaign : 23 organisations have signed up to safety across the NWC A NWC Su2S collaborative is being formed Clinical Safety Priorities : Established clinical advisory groups for each of our four areas ( to raise capability, develop an E Learning package and to advise the PSC)

Progress Medicines Optimisation : Developed a robust framework for the identification, evaluation and adoption of innovation to deliver significant improvements Hydration : Improving fluid management through our Hydrate for Health programme working in partnership with a SME and Bridgewater Community Healthcare NHS FT Participated in the Nutrition and Hydration Week 2015

Progress Sepsis programme: leading on behalf of the 14 AHSN PSCs Working collaborative with NHS England & AHSNs to agree terms of reference and deliverables including working with local existing sepsis collaboratives A member of the national educational resource panel chaired by CEO UK Sepsis Trust NWC PSC Sepsis clinical advisory group are developing an E learning package for the care home sector(early detection and management reducing harms and number of hospital admissions )

Developments The Q Initiative (formerly 5000 safety fellows ) Each AHSN PSC are recruiting an initial cohort of 10 participants– the founding cohort - focus on helping to design and test the initiative PSC strategic priorities for 2015/16 Continue to develop programmes of work around our clinical safety priorities Continue to develop safety leadership capability Continue to develop safety and learning networks Clinical safety in care homes Sign up to safety campaign Staff health and wellbeing Working with the 14 AHSN PSCs develop and agree the Sepsis programme of work

If you would like to work with us and make a difference to the lives of millions of local people, please contact: Aly Hulme Associate Director Patient Safety Collaborative E: T: