Nazi Terror The Gestapo
What was the Gestapo? It was an abbreviation for Geheime Staatspolizei, meaning secret state police; it was the official secret police of the German Nazi state
Who was head of the Gestapo? Heinrich Muller was chief of the Gestapo, from its creation in 1933 until the fall of the Nazis in 1945
What did the Gestapo do? The Gestapo investigated cases of treason (acts against your country), espionage (spying), sabotage (destruction), and criminal attacks on both the Nazi party and on Germany
Gestapo Power A law was passed that gave the Gestapo unlimited powers to carry out its duties; so, it was legal for the Gestapo to violate people’s rights, arrest, torture, imprison, and murder without any judicial interference— the Gestapo was ABOVE the law!
How many members did the Gestapo have? At its peak, during World War II, the Gestapo had about 46,000 members; many worked in offices, but most were “field agents”
Who were the Gestapo members? Most members of the Gestapo were police officers, or those with police and law enforcement backgrounds; this made them ideal for the job as a Gestapo agent!
What uniform did Gestapo members wear? While those working at an office did in fact wear a uniform, those Gestapo agents in the field were plainclothes (undercover) to maintain the secretive nature of their work; there were strict rules to protect the identity of field agents!
Who did the Gestapo target? Those suspected of being anti-Nazi, suspected Communists and other political opponents, anyone considered an enemy of the state for any reason
What were their investigative methods? The Gestapo often used threats, blackmail, torture, extortion, and even planting evidence in order to get “confessions” from prisoners
What methods of torture did the Gestapo use? Burning, drowning, electric shock, beatings, whippings, and other cruel forms of physical torture!
Nacht and Nebel Decree Meaning night and fog; thousands of political prisoners disappeared under this directive, never to be seen or heard from again, either killed or taken to concentration camps
Were the Gestapo really effective investigators? No! They were more reactionary than anything, heavily relying on German citizens to denounce (turn in) friends, family, or others for improper behavior
History Preserved The Gestapo headquarters building in the German city of Cologne was been transformed into a museum today to display the actions of the Gestapo
Famous Quote According to historian Rupert Butler, "From its creation in 1933 until its death in May 1945, anyone living in Nazi controlled territory lived in fear of a visit from the Gestapo..."
Discussion Questions Would Gestapo tactics work today in the USA? Why or why not? Are there any elements of the Gestapo that would be acceptable? If so, which ones? What protects us in the USA from Gestapo tactics?