C-Factor Testing
Hazen-Williams Formula
Pressure vs Elevation
Pressure Losses vs Distance
“Minor Losses”
Hydrant flow picture-0 flow
Hydrant flow medium rate
Hydrant flow-high rate
Pressure loss vs Flow Rate
Reynold’s Experiment
Sand roughness PVC 1.5 X 10 exp (-3) Copper 3.05 X 10 exp(-2) Steel 2.8 X 10 exp (-2) Lined Cast.1 Cast.2 Concrete.3 Cement.4
C factor “A smoothness” coefficient Higher C means Lower losses Depends on material, finishing when new Depends on material, age, chemistry, microbiology when old Minor imperfections, scums, can have a great effect
C factor Depends on Diameter Low diameters mean low c-factors Small imperfections are meaningful Turbulence is more widespread
C-Factors for 6” pipe Unlined cast 125 Lined Cast 133
NEW 30 years Unlined cast 125 Lined cast 133 Scraped cst 116 Pigged cst 104 DICL 149 PVC 150 CPP 150 (Large dia) 70-90
C-Factor Test Procedures
Long piece of pipe Dead ended so flow is in one direction Known, Constant diameter Minimum of valves, bends, tees, etc