Which tech girl superhero are you? by Dr Jenine Beekhuyzen Follow TGAsuperheroes -
Jewella CEO Entrepreneur Author Lecturer Volunteer Pretend chef Jewelley designer World conquerer....
Artifly, the Artist With her head in the clouds, and a paintbrush in hand, the artist archetype is the most likely to dream up truly creative solutions in technology. With a penchant for design and a flair for music, the artist is often found seeking inspiration in art galleries, or working on a photography project. You can expect this girl to invent technology that supports the artistic community: designers, film-makers and more. Kayla
Index, the Explorer Bravely breaking down barriers, and fearlessly going outside her comfort zone, the adventurer is always on the hunt for new frontiers in technology. Never one to be fenced in, she’s ready to get up and go where no tech girl has gone before. Her pioneering spirit is an inspiration to her fellow tech girls, and she’s always ready for the next big adventure! Navi
Pi, the Daredevil Never tell the the daredevil something can't be done! She just won't believe it. The daredevil is always ready to push the boundaries and use technology in new and innovative ways to come up with answers nobody thought possible! Dressed most often in sharp black, with a few piercings and maybe even a tattoo, the daredevil might look a little wild but underneath it all she's a tech maverick with a heart of gold. Tina
Swiss, the Tomboy Who says girls have to wear pink and play with dolls? Not this gal! The tomboy doesn't mind getting her hands dirty, and can mix it with the boys just as easily as the girls. She's sporty and light-hearted, and loves to take things apart to see how they work before putting them back together again in her own way! Usually found in jeans, t- shirts and cool sneakers, the tomboy is always ready to leap into action. Bridgit
Jules Flash Drive, the Sophisticate This girl is far from precious, but she does love to display her femininity and fashion sense - she uses her style to express herself and she doesn't see why she can't be fashion-forward AND a lover of technology at the same time! The sophisticate likes high-end fashion, 6 inch heels and technology that looks hot and works like a dream. She can see her ICT career taking her all over the world, flying first class naturally!
Join the Tech Girls Movement! Are you the next Tech Girl Superhero? 2014 Search for the Next Tech Girl Superhero invites school girls in years 4-12 to pitch their technology solutions to a social problem important to them in their local community. Secondary School topics: Building teenage girls’ body confidence Increasing cyber-safety for teens Reducing bullying De-stigmatizing mental illness Video Primary School topics: Reducing the schools environmental impact Improving safety & security for all at school Building a stronger sense of school community Improving health and wellness at school
Join the Tech Girls Movement! Enter now! Wise words from our Patron Marie Johnson Centre for Digital Business Imagine the world in the year 2020 – a world shaped by technology and creativity. The next few years will see the most amazing changes in the way we live since the Industrial Revolution. This period of creativity will be driven by technology breakthroughs and innovation – lifting billions of people from poverty and disadvantage. This is a future of great opportunity for creative thinkers with the tools and skills to understand what they see and design what they imagine.