Deluxe Provent ® 1 Vaya Reporting Training
2 Home Screen Reporting available in multiple tabs at the top. Includes both wholesale/FI Paid and Consumer Paid (referral or upgrade) activity. Information available by month and year “FI Paid Enrollments” report shows you the total number of wholesale or FI Paid subscribers by Provent package by month
3 Consumer Enhancement Tab “Consumer Enrollments” tab shows you the total number of account holders associated with your FI that have purchased a Provent product directly from Deluxe Provent (either upgraded from a wholesale package and purchased additional coverage or were referred to purchase at our site by your FI). Information is available by year and month.
4 Consumer FI Paid Subscriber Lists Tab The “FI Paid Subscriber Lists” report shows you all account holders that have enrolled in a wholesale Provent package through your FI. These account holders are either being sent by your financial institution to Deluxe Provent via the secure file transfer process set up with Deluxe or via the secure web enrollment portal. This report includes basic subscriber enrollment information and subscriber status. Ability to sort account holder list by enrollment status
5 Consumer FI Paid Subscriber Lists Tab, Cont. Subscriber status and date enrolled Activation status and date activated
6 Help Tab The “Help” tab provides you with basic how to information, as well as additional support information.