Munchie Math Activities Making Math Fun and Tasty!!! Markeita Warren Jackson School Third Grade Teacher
Mini Marshmallow Ratios Found on Teachers Pay Teachers for FREE! Give each child a copy of this sheet with a handful of colored mini marshmallows. Have the students sort their marshmallows into colors and count. They will write the counts of each color, as well as the total number at the top of the page in the space provided. Students then can work through the ratios the page asks for. Students can create their own ratios using their marshmallows at the end of the sheet. Students can eat the marshmallows once they have completed all of their ratios. Best part - this is a gluten and nut free option for a hands-on, edible math activity.
Worksheet… TPT for FREE!
Gummy Worm Measurement Found on TPT for FREE! My students LOVE doing this activity each spring when we study fractions! All you need is a bag or two of colored marhmallows to share with your students and you have an instant, tasty fraction lesson when you pair it with this worksheet!
Marshmallow Fraction Fun
Gummy Worm Measurement Found on TPT for FREE! Students will love practicing measuring in inches and centimeters with their gummy worms. Also has students estimate and write a reflection of their data.
Gummy Worm Measurement
Part II to this sheet…
Cheeze-It Area and Perimeter Found on TPT for FREE! Make learning about area and perimeter fun with this activity! This works great after reading aloud "Spaghetti and Meatballs for all". Students will create a shape with specific area and perimeter and record their findings on graph paper. This could be done in partners, independently, in small groups, or as a math center.
Cheeze-It Area and Perimeter
Shape Sort and Snack Found on TPT for FREE! This is an activity designed to provide a fun and edible math activity for children to do while they learn about geometric shapes. They will investigate snacks to find squares, triangles, rectangles, circles, spheres, cones, pyramids, rectangular prisms, cubes, and pyramids. The file contains a student data/response sheet as well as a quick info sheet to help with planning.
Shape Sort Activity
Part II Shape Sort Activity
Colored Candy Math Found on TPT for $2.00 Colored Candy Math (M&Ms, Skittles, Jelly Beans, etc.)Sorting, tallying, patterns, and graphing colored candies! Great Math time fun!
Colored Candy Math
Yummy Math Worksheets Found on TPT for FREE Here are some of my Yummy Math worksheets. From Fruit Loop graphing to pretzel greater than less than, your kids will love these edible activities. Includes Number Forming, Ordering and Graphing
Yummy Math Worksheets
Geometry Pretzels and Marshmallows Found on Pinterest- FOLLOW ME! Geometry ideas for modeling with pretzel sticks and marshmallows This can also be done with gumdrops and toothpicks
Edible Fractions with Pizza Found on TPT for Free!
Hershey and Cookie Fractions!
Probability with M and Ms Found on TPT for FREE! Are your students learning about probability? This game makes learning probability FUN with an M and M candy theme! It makes a great center, workstation, or whole-class activity! Smart Board Version $4.00 on TPT
Closure To search for more munchie math activities related to your units of study just log on to Teachers Pay Teachers, Pinterest or Google “Edible Math Activities” you’ll be surprised how much information is out there for FREE! Follow me on Pinterest for more Munchie Math Updates and Pictures! Also feel free to follow my class on Twitter: @warrensleaders for pictures of this year’s munchie math stations!