Playing board for the game Crooked Rules Hundreds Tens Ones Player A Player B Player C Player D Presentation slide 1.1 Presentation slide 1.1
Key features of mathematics within the Primary National Strategy The strategy involves: 1. A structured, daily mathematics lesson of 45–60 minutes, depending on the pupils’ ages 2. An emphasis on mental calculation with oral and mental work in each lesson 3. Direct, interactive teaching of the whole class, with as many pupils as possible taking part 4. Group work in which pupils in three or four groups work at different levels on the same topic 5. Regular activities for pupils to do out of class and at home 6. The Primary Framework offers teachers guidance on planning and teaching to help all children to learn mathematics and make good progress. Presentation slide 1.2
Teaching assistant’s tasks Planning the lesson with the teacher Assessing pupil’s progress and difficulties Making learning resources and classroom displays Getting the class ready to begin work Giving our learning materials Helping pupils with correct vocabulary Presentation slide 1.3
Teaching assistant’s activities Helping pupils use mental, informal or formal methods of calculation Learning new mathematics themselves Helping pupils read and understand what is needed Asking pupils questions to probe and secure their learning Encouraging pupils in their efforts Helping pupils see the links with other learning Presentation slide 1.4
Work out the total Presentation slide 2.1
Work out the total Presentation slide 2.2
Notes for the teacher Learning objectives for the lesson (year 1, block B, unit 2) Describe simple patterns and relationships involving numbers or shapes; decide whether examples satisfy given conditions Feedback notes: All can use numbers or shapes to make patterns of their own All can describe their pattern so that others can make it Rupee and Paul can tell each other how to continue their patterns Presentation slide 2.3
Marie’s sum + 47 = 100 This is the calculation Marie was asked to do: She wrote: 63 + 47 = 100 Presentation slide 2.4
Ellie’s problem In your purse you have lots of 5p, 10p and 20p coins. How could you pay for some fruit costing 45p? Presentation slide 2.5
How would you tackle these calculations? 23 – 9 127 x 6 4358 + 843 + 276 98 ÷ 6 Presentation slide 3.1
Considering how you did the calculations How did you work out each calculation? Who did it another way? Which is the easiest way? What did you jot down to help you? How did this help and how might you encourage pupils to use jottings? Presentation slide 3.2
Were you surprised by any of the methods others used? Comparing methods Were you surprised by any of the methods others used? Were you taught to use any of these methods at school? Why do you think you use them now? Did you use the same method for both additions? If not, why not? Did having to explain your method help you in any way Did hearing any other person’s method help you in any way? Presentation slide 3.3
How would you tackle these calculations? Working out totals 5 + 8 + 5 4 + 7 + 8 + 6 + 3 24 + 17 + 16 + 12 + 33 (d) £2.54 + £2.67 + £1.46 Presentation slide 3.4
Vertical and horizontal recording 365 – 99 ___ 365 – 99 Presentation slide 3.5
The three-part lesson Oral and mental activity Oral and mental calculation for the whole class to rehearse and sharpen skills Main part of the lesson Interactive teaching input and pupils’ activities including work as a whole class, in groups, in pairs or individually Review of learning All pupils involved Clear up any misunderstandings and identify progress Summarise and reinforce the key learning points and what pupils should remember and discuss next steps Presentation slide 4.1
Language and mathematics Pupils talking and listening to each other and to adults Adults listening to pupils’ responses Different kinds of questioning Presentation slide 4.2
Considering the role of the TA in the video How was the girl encouraged to test her answers on the TA? Why is it important that she is encouraged to do this? What is the best seating position during whole-class interactive mental and oral activities? Why? The TA encourages the girl to use the fraction wall. What problem do you think she might have? How does the fraction wall help? Do you know of any other resources that could be used? How could the TA have helped he two pupils before the Follow Me card activity began? How do you know the TA used these activities for assessment for learning purposes? Presentation slide 4.3
The role of the TA in the oral and mental activity (1) Being responsible for a small group of pupils to ensure they take part in the lesson by: encouraging them to join in counting activities encouraging them to sit still and take part getting them to repeat in a whisper what they hear having a smaller version of the resource used by the teacher helping pupils to use resources such as ‘fan’ cards Presentation slide 4.4
The role of the TA in the oral and mental activity (2) Being responsible for a small group of pupils to ensure they take part in the lesson by: repeating discreetly questions the teacher asks and helping the pupils find an answer alerting the teacher if a pupil has an answer asking questions that will help pupils to think when they are discussing in pairs observing pupils and making notes about their responses to questions Presentation slide 4.5
Role of the TA in the video What are the main differences in the way the TA supports pupils during whole-class interactive teaching and during group work? Why is it important for the TA to be present during the direct teaching that takes place before the group work? How do the teacher and the TA help pupils when they have difficulties without simply telling them what to do? What advantage does the TA have over the teacher while she is involved in direct teaching? Presentation slide 5.1
What kind of feedback do you think you might give? Working with a group How would you support a group of pupils playing a game like Fall in the water? How would your role differ if pupils were carrying out a practice exercise or solving mathematical word problems rather than playing a game? What kind of feedback do you think you might give? Presentation slide 5.2
The TA’s role when working with a group (1) When pupils are playing a game: make sure they all understand the instructions reinforce social skills such as taking turns and not interrupting others encourage pupils to describe the mental strategies they used and help them to refine these, using jottings on the empty number line where necessary encourage them to work out and consider carefully any options available to them in the game note for the teacher any number facts the pupils find hard to remember and any observations about pupils who have found the task difficult or who have been particularly successful Presentation slide 5.3
The TA’s role when working with a group (2) When pupils are carrying out practice exercises or solving word problems: ensure they understand what they have to do and then monitor that they are performing the task correctly ask questions or give them clues when they are stuck but don’t let them become too dependent on adult help help to keep them on task and remind them how much time they have to complete the exercise help them to learn, read and use mathematical words and terms new to them make sure that they check answers for ‘reasonableness’ encourage them to tell you how they tackled certain examples note what pupils have learned or any mathematics they need more help with so you can share it with the teacher Presentation slide 5.4
mention any misunderstandings pupils had in relation to the work Giving feedback You could: mention any misunderstandings pupils had in relation to the work state how far pupils got with the activity list what they found easy and/or hard mention a pupil who has done particularly well or who has found the work particularly difficult discuss ‘support’ and ‘next steps in learning’ with the teacher Presentation slide 5.5
Teaching in the Early Years Foundation Stage (1) Emphasis on practical, active, imaginative and enjoyable activities Pupils are given many opportunities to develop their speaking and listening skills and to use mathematical language during play activities The environment, daily routines and activities will be planned to give pupils opportunities for mathematical learning Pupils will be given opportunities to practise and talk about their developing understanding in a broad range of contexts Presentation slide 6.1
Teaching in the Early Years Foundation Stage (2) Teachers put greater emphasis on using stories, songs, rhymes and finger games to help with counting Mathematical activities will be planned for both indoors and outdoors Pupils are encouraged to explore problems, to make patterns and to match and count together Teachers plan from the Curriculum guidance for the Foundation Stage and the objectives in the renewed framework for teaching mathematics, which are in line with the early learning goals for the Early Years Foundation Stage Presentation slide 6.2
Example of the daily mathematics experience at Early Years Foundation Stage An activity with a group or all pupils, often involving some counting, songs or stories Adult-led activities for smaller groups of pupils, focusing on the main topic of the day or week Play activities, initiated either by the teacher or by the pupils themselves Review of learning when the activities have ended, not necessarily every day Presentation slide 6.3
Video clip: working with children in the Early Years Foundation Stage How do the TAs involve the pupils? What sort of questions do they ask? Do they help the pupils to work and play together in any way? How do they develop mathematical vocabulary? How successful are they in helping the pupils learn new skills? 6. What else could they do to help the pupils with their learning? Presentation slide 6.4
Working with individuals and small groups Get children talking about what they are doing Help them understand what they are doing Help them to work and play together Familiarise them with the rules of mathematical games Help them to develop, learn and use new mathematical language Help them use mathematical resources Ask them open questions to get them thinking Observe and talk to them to find out what they have learned Presentation slide 6.5
Ten nice things Player A’s objects Player B’s objects Presentation slide 6.6