The Rise of Greek Civilization Chapter 7, Lesson 1 (pg. 174) EQ: How does the geography of place influence the way people live?
Academic Vocabulary: Chapter 7, Lesson 1 Peninsula Colony Polis Agora Acropolis (pg. 180)
Geography of Greece Greece is located in Europe. Near the Mediterranean Sea. Greece is a peninsula. Peninsula is a body of land surrounded by water on three sides. The rest of Greece is made up of islands.
Activity Geography Activity Complete the Map Complete the “Cause and Effect” Geography Chart
An Island Civilization: Minoans Civilization developed in island of Create from 2500 BC to 1450 BC. Minos was the king Main settlement Knossos. Minoan civilization collapsed—no on knows why, but some think the Mycenaeans invaded Crete! The palace at Knossos included a large outdoor theater. Colorful wall paintings decorated the palace, both inside and outside. Arthur Evens (1900)
Mainland Civilization: Mycenaean Mycenaean Kingdom Palace of Mycenae Kings lived in palace, nobles lived outside palace walls King collected taxes Traded with different islands Polytheistic religion Conquered the Minoans
Mycenaean Decline Civil war and earthquake By 1100 BC the civilization collapsed The Dorians (Greek-speaking people) move into the area and conquered the Mycenaean Mycenaean artifacts (student account)
Dark Age: The Dorians Warlike people Dark Age—lasted 300 years Trade decreased, poverty, starvation They bring iron weapons to Greece Many Greeks flee to Anatolia Peninsula
The Hellenes By 750 BC those who had left Greece returned—named themselves Hellenes Brought back new ideas, crafts, and skills Trade increases, thus a need for writing developed Greek alphabet (24 letters), record keeping becomes easier
Review Questions 1. How did physical geography influence the lives of the early Greeks? How did the seas influence the way many ancient Greeks lived? 3. How did civilizations of the Minoans develop? 4. What did the discovery at Knossos reveal about the Minoans 5. How did the Dorian invasion help spread Greek culture?
Home Learning Packet of Chapter 7, Lesson 1 “Rise of the Greek Civilaztaion”
Greek Colonies Greeks established many colonies along the Mediterranean Sea between 750 BC and 550 BC. Colonies traded with the parent cities in the mainland Greece.
Greek Polis Because Greece is made up of many islands, and has many tall mountains, the Greeks began to build city-states instead of one country. A city-state is a city with its own laws, rulers, and money. City-states known as polis. Some small others large, such as Athens which had 300,000 people.
Greek Polis: Government Most city-states were monarchies—ruled by a king. Some of the city-states were oligarchies—ruled by powerful elite members of society Athens was a democracy—a government in which all citizens can vote and have equal say in what happens.
Acropolis: a fort built on top of a hill Agora: a gathering place (marketplace) outside the acropolis