How do I effectively answer a B question?
Today we finish Poor Law content (then we go onto development of public health/welfare)! Homework: make revision of the Poor Law – two weeks! Situation of old 1601 Poor Law Interpretations of poverty and problems with old Poor Law. Investigation and recommendations for changes. Poor Law Amendment Act. Interpretations of the act – historians etc. Implementation of the Poor Law. Opposition to the new Poor Law. Realities of life under the new Poor Law. Last thing today: Development of Poor Law up to 1900.
How did the Poor Law develop in the 19 th Century? Lesson Aim: To have a chronological understanding of the development of the New Poor Law. TASK: (A) Read p57-65: Mini whiteboards, can you find the main points on your timeline to add.
TASK: Create a timeline of how the New Poor Law developed over the 19 th Century colours: Central administration Finance Outdoor relief Provision of services for children, the sick and the elderly.
Do you agree with the view that the harshness associated with the New Poor Law was greatly exaggerated? Explain your answer, using Sources 16, 17 and 18 and your own knowledge. (40)