Identify the guidelines for BYOD at WIN. Become familiar with our implementation plan and timeline. Become familiar with the resources available to parents.
Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) Voluntary Students in grades 3, 4, an 5 only Portable electronic devices: Laptops Tablets Mobile phones eReaders Etc.
Digital natives Preparing students for college and career Appeal to learning styles of 21 st century learners Real-time access to information Supplementing school resources Transition between home and school resources
Pilot expanded Starting February 9 th at WIN Goal at WIN this year: Get comfortable with students having portable electronic devices at school. Goal at WIN for next year: Expand using these devices as tools to support instruction. End of year survey among stakeholders
Staff presentation Wednesday Student presentation Friday Parent presentation this evening Resources posted on WIN and CCPS websites
Completely voluntary CCPS guest network/data usage Use during instruction at direction of teachers Use during indoor recess No device use during lunch Will re-evaluate in Spring for outdoor recess No sharing devices No charging devices at school Filtering/security Privilege
Staff Staff Students Students Parents/Guardians Parents/Guardians
CCPS Guidelines CCPS Guidelines
Link to form Link to form Must be completed prior to device coming to school (even if electronic form was completed at start of year) Paper copy and digital copy went home on Monday, February 2 nd
Please Do: Review the parent and student FAQ’s Discuss student responsibilities Discuss digital citizenship with your child Contact us if you have questions Monitor data usage Please Don’t: Feel pressure to participate Purchase devices
Classroom poster Classroom poster Device free zone poster Device free zone poster Hallway poster Hallway poster Others to come: student-created