About phoenix :- Launched in ‘05,a tradition since last 9 yrs. Where 4 houses having 100 members each,fights for the glory. sieves the hidden talent within us in the form of – sports, literature & cultural events. After all compete for…
Health Ministry of Tripura. Students and Faculties from Tripura Medical College & DR. BRAM Teaching Hospital. ILS Hospitals, Agartala. Students and Faculties from NIT Agartala. Students and Faculties from TIT. Tripura Institute of Paramedical Sciences & RIPSAT. Nursing Institutions. Delegates from Tripura University. The ICFAI university. Agricultural College & Central Fishery College. Govt. Law & Music college. All other professional institutions.
Highlighting events of ’phoenix 7.0’ Thrilling performance of one of the best ‘ROCK BANDS’ from Kolkata : negotiation going on with ‘FOSSILS’, ‘BHOOMI’ and ‘CACTUS’. ‘WAR OF BANDS’ : neck to neck fight amongst the emerging talented bands in the city of Agartala Fashion show : ‘PANACHE’ 2.0
Blood donation camp twice a year. Health camp during disease epidemics (e.g. Malaria) Health awareness camps in the rural areas of Tripura. Health Education regarding various health problems. Distribution of winter clothes among the orphans on the eve of Christmas day. Distribution of fruits & flowers among the Cancer patients on the occasion of Doctors’ Day.
Why should you should sponsor us? Our college is just beside the G.B. market area. College has a strength of about 700+ students(UG & PG) Our medical section has a rate of patients everyday(1 st referral hospital of Tripura) An advertisement in the premises will be a profitable business Chance to reach more than people in 10 days
Sponsorship details: for being the ‘ TITLE SPONSORER’ : Rs 2 lacs + for being the ‘CO-SPONSORER’ : Rs 50,000+ for being the ‘T-SHIRT SPONSORER’ : Rs 1,00,000 + for being the ‘FASHION PARTNER’ : Provide dresses and accessories for ‘PANACHE’ according to the requirements for being ‘MEDIA PARTNER’ : Proper ‘FREE ADVERTISEMENT’ for ‘PHOENIX 7.0’ as per the requirements of the organizing committee
MODES OF ADVERTISEMENTS: gate of 30 feet x 20 feet in the main entrance of medical college displaying the logos of different sponsors 1 flex : 10’ x 4’ beside outdoor patient dept. Few small flexes all around the campus Advertisement in local news dailies and renowned websites of Tripura Advertisement in bill boards beside the main roads at a suitable place in the city if funds permits We’ll be launching our website shortly ; you can also follow us on social networking sites like :
Hoping for a new relation with you… Thank you