Professional Membership Professor Ione Lewis 10 December 2014
Documentation required to apply for membership Completed application Copies of documentation certified by a JP – Testamur – Australian Graduate Statement (demonstrates PACFA course accreditation, units completed and supervision and practice hours) – Supervision log – Client hours log – Evidence of professional indemnity insurance (if in private practice) – National Police Record Check
Membership renewal requirements 10 hours of supervision + 5 additional hours if you have logged more than 400 hours of counselling contact hours 40 CPE points of professional development Disclose any ethical complaints against you Demonstrate current professional indemnity insurance
CAPA NSW Four levels of membership: Student - $50 joining fee + $125 annual membership Intern graduates of our PACFA accredited counselling courses will join at this level - $150 joining fee + $370 Provisional (P) Clinical - $150 joining fee + $455 Clinical (C) - $150 joining fee + $455 Join by downloading and completing the Intern membership application from the website herehere
Benefits of CAPA membership Invitations to free professional development eNewsletter Access to Psychotherapy and Counselling Journal of Australia and PACFA eNews Access to group supervision at lower rates Links to British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy Committee membership Free listing on the PACFA register Access to Medibank Private rebates Clinical members can: – Access Workcover NSW registration – Work as school counsellors in Catholic Education schools
Christian Counsellors Association of NSW This national association with state-based chapters is a faith based association In addition to meeting the training standards, applicants must sign CCAA’s values, faith and mission statement and provide evidence of participation in the Christian faith Four levels of membership: Student - $30 application fee + $64 annual fee Intern - graduates of our PACFA accredited counselling courses will join at this level - $30 application fee + $149 Graduate - $50 application fee + $257 Clinical - $50 application fee + $305
CCAA Membership benefits Christian community for professional networking Access to listing on PACFA and ARCAP registers PACFA eNews High quality professional development events and conferences Your own webpage Professional journal published annually Participation in CCAA committees
CAPAV Three categories of membership: Student – enrolled in a CAPV/PACFA recognised training course (includes School of Counselling courses Associate – completed training with 200 hours of client contact and 50 hours of supervision - Clinical – completed a further 750 hours of client contact in total and 75 hours of supervision - $75 application fee + $375 Join online at the Counselling and Psychotherapy portal herehere
Benefits of CAPAV Membership Professional development events and seminars Regular CAPAV and PACFA eNewsletters Peer support groups CAPAV Log Book Participate in CAPAV committees
AABCAP Membership Four levels of membership: Student - $60-$90 Associate (member of APS, ACA and AASW and do not meet PACFA training standards) - $190-$220 Full member (provisional or clinical PACFA registrant) - $ Join by downloading and completing the membership application from the website here here
AABCAP AABCAP Membership Benefits An association for Buddhist counsellors and psychotherapists, and counsellors and psychotherapists with a regular mindfulness and meditation practice Use of AAPCAP member logo in advertising Monthly Conversations Seminars eNewsletters and PACFA eNews Annual members’ retreat
PACFA Register Intern registrants - $44 Meet training standard requirements Meet register standard requirements Recognised training Minimum practicum hours, i.e. 10 hours of supervision, relating to 40 hours of direct client contact Provisional registrants - $121 A further 40 hours of supervision, relating to 160 hours of direct client contact either during or post training Clinical registrant - $121 A further 75 hours of supervision, relating to 750 hours of direct client contact post training
How to list on the PACFA Register Join a member association at Intern level or higher Complete an online application form herehere Upload documentation
IARPP International Association for Relational Psychoanalytic and Psychodynamic Psychotherapists Suitable for MCP graduates Local Australian chapter $135 annual fee Access to online colloquiums and the journal Psychoanalytic Dialogues
ACWA Australian Association of Community Workers Benefits of membership – Recognition by employers which improves employability – Contribute to development of policy positions – Be covered by ACWA’s professional liability insurance policy as a full member – Access to e-news and journal – Professional help and support – Discounted police checks
ACWA Membership Fees New membership - $300 New membership + insurance certificates - $350 Student membership - $20 For renewal, evidence of professional development is required
ACA Level 1 – Diploma graduates - $200 + $60 journal subscription – Qualified to provide client support, not counselling Level 2 – Diploma graduates with two years’ experience - $220 + $60 journal subscription Level 3 – Degree qualification with three years’ experience - $240 + $60 journal subscription Level 4 – Degree qualification with six years’ experience - $260 + $60 journal subscription
ARCAP Listing on the PACFA and ACA Register automatically qualifies counsellors and psychotherapists for the ARCAP Register There is no fee The ARCAP Register facilitates PACFA and ACA undertaking joint lobbying of government for professional recognition of counsellors and psychotherapists ARCAP is jointly owned and operated by PACFA and ACA