STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 Study Committee C3 Antonio Negri
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 In sintesi: si confermano le Direzioni tecniche (T.D.) secondo le quali opera il Comitato i temi ambientali entrano a pieno titolo nel Piano Strategico CIGRE si affaccia un tema nuovo: Power System Efficiency; ancora da capire come affrontarlo e quali implicazioni possa avere sulle attività CIGRE è sempre più forte lesigenza di lavoro comune con gli altri Comitati di Studio Gli indirizzi dellattività futura del Comitato C3
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 The scope of SC C3 has been categorised into the following main Technical Directions (TDs): Le Direzioni Tecniche TD 1 Power Systems development/operation and Environment TD 2 Global environmental changes and Power Sector TD 3 Public Acceptance of plants and infrastructures, Stakeholders Engagement and Communication TD 4 Power Sector Efficiency and Environment
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 SC C3 inside CIGRE (1) Focus on Environment and Sustainability Diversify and de-carbonize the fuel mix Develop environmentally friendly materials and less intrusive techniques Increase Power System efficiency Reduce carbon footprint of electricity..… CIGRE Technical Activities: Strategic Directions
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 TC Project The Network of the Future: the Key Challenges according to SC C3 Climate Changes Adaptation and Mitigation Development (and Planning) under environmental/social responsibility Environmental compatibility of plants and infrastructures operation Public Acceptance of plants and infrastructures, Stakeholders Engagement and Communication SC C3 inside CIGRE (2)
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 SC C3 - New WGs launched WG C3.10Environmental and S.D. Performance Indicators for Electric Power Generation Utilities WG C3.12Green-House Gases Emission Inventory Methodologies for T&D Utilities JWG B1/B2/C3.13Environmental issues of high voltage transmission lines for rural and urban areas SC B1, B2 and B3 expressed interest for WG C3.12; they are expected to appoint some members SC C6 launched a new WG C6.20 Electric Vehicles (the participation of experts from C3 has been decided) Another WG could be launched inside C3, dedicated to environmental implication of storage devices; participation from SC C6 is expected
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 SC C3 – P.S. for Paris 2012 PS1: Public acceptance of electric power system infrastructures Experiences in communication practices, stakeholder engagement and public awareness improvement Legislation requirements, guidelines, roles of authorities and regulators Methods and experiences of accommodating stakeholder needs into planning and operation of electric power system infrastructures PS2: How green are the future power systems? Methodologies to evaluate environmental and social performances of innovative network structures and concepts Environmental implications of new grid concepts Environmental impacts of power system efficiency improvements
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 SC C3 - Next Events (1) 2nd International Conference on Extremely Low Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields Paris, France March, 2011 Organised by: CIGRE French National Committee S.E.E. Société de lÉlectricité, de lÉlectronique et des TIC Main Topics: AC and DC Electric and Magnetic fields and induced currents generated by overhead lines, underground cables, submarine cables, substations and DC converters Mitigation techniques for EMF and contact (induced) currents Biological effects of AC and DC installations Evolution of international Standards, guidelines and requirements Risk, knowledge and information management
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre 2010 SC C3 - Next Events (2) International Colloquium (SC C3 and Israel CIGRE N.C.) "Long-distance and Cross-border Electric Power System Interconnections: Strategic Needs, Sustainability, Environmental and Social Issues Tel Aviv (Israel), 27 October 2011 Main Topics: Currently available opportunities and needs of long-distance cross-border interconnections. Socio-environmental cost/benefit analysis of interconnections: Environmental Impact Assessment methods and experiences, Environmental impact Modelling and Monitoring, Comparison among different technological options Social and environmental impacts mitigation and compensation measures. Methodologies for interconnections planning and for integrating sustainability, environmental and social issues into the planning phase: Integrated generation/transmission planning, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Communication and Stakeholders engagement in planning, construction and operation of Interconnections.
STUDY COMMITTEE C3, System Environmental Performance Meeting CNI, Latina 24 Novembre