UR Financials Project Reporting Workshop v9 Jan.-Feb. 2015
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Prerequisite Prior to workshop, you must: – Successfully log into the UR Financials PRODUCTION system 2
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Session Agenda Workshop Objectives Verifying Security Access FY15 Converted Data in UR Financials Frequently Used Reports Who Needs Help? Wrap Up / Next Steps 3
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Workshop Objectives Focus of workshop will be on the Non- Company Level (NCL) users Verify that you have the proper security Answer questions related to which report to use Provide support for setting up your reports for report group scheduling 4
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Non-Company Level User: Run the “FAO Budgetary Balance Summary - Monthly Ledger (NCL) URF0902” – View the “My Organization” – this should contain FAOs that they have access to – View the “My Organization Hierarchies” – this should contain Cost Centers that they have access to 5 Non-Company Level – Security Check Note: Company level users will NOT see anything in the “My Organization” or “My Organization Hierarchies” fields
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Company Level User: Run the “FAO Budgetary Balance Summary - Monthly Ledger URF0945” – View the “Company” or “Company Hierarchy” selection – this should contain company(s) that they have access to 6 Company Level Security Check
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb If you believe you have the wrong access, you need to complete a UR Financials Workday Access Form found on the website Signed by manager, then divisional finance office 7 Wrong Access? Complete Security Form
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Name, etc. are auto populated Should be used only for reporting access (For core user roles, select “Other” in role drop down list) Must be signed by requester, their manager, and divisional finance office Sent/scanned and ed to the address on the bottom of the form 8 UR Financials Security Request Form
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb FY15 Converted Data in UR Financials FY15 Beginning Balances, July-December, and Budget data is in production Summarized by FAO and Spend/Revenue Category Line Memo field contains the FRS Account / Subcode for reference Not all of YOUR data may have converted properly – if needed, submit a journal entry form to divisional finance office to move from one Spend Category to the correct one
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Company Grant Gifts Debt Services Project Operating Program Loan Program FAO FRS to UR Financials Division Account Subcode Ledger Account OR Spend Category Revenue Category Department Cost Center FRS Structure Fund Ledger
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Summary NCL Reports FAO Budgetary Balance Summary - Monthly Ledger (NCL) - shows budget versus actual by FAO and Spend/Revenue Category: – Standard (allows you to drill in) URF0902 – Printable URF0941 FAO Available Balance Summary (NCL) URF0905 – provides available to spend balance – NOTE: use this for OP3/6/9 where carryforward was used as budget in FRS
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Detail NCL Reports Monthly Transactions Printable (NCL) URF0943 – Best used for printing only Transaction Details by Month (NCL) URF0398 – Best used when you need to compare month to month; can drill into transactions for details like Supplier Invoices Transaction Details - Data Extract (NCL) URF0400 – Use this for greatest amount of transaction information
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb FAO Available Balance Summary by UR Project (NCL) URF0908
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Grants – Grants Dashboard Purpose The Grants Management Dashboard allows non-company level users access to reports that can be used to assist in managing the award portfolio for a department. Steps to access the Grants Management Dashboard Log in to Workday Click on the icon in the upper left corner to access the drop down menu Click on Dashboards Click on Grant Management 14
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Grants REPORT NAMEREPORT DESCRIPTIONPURPOSE Expiring Award Term List (NCL) This report produces a list of award line end dates based on the dates entered in the prompt fields by the user. Provides insight into terminating Awards so that close out processes can be started and expense management acutely overseen. Out of Award Line Period Activity Summary (NCL) This report produces a list of Accounting Journals and Supplier Invoices with budget dates (activity dates) outside of the award line dates for the grant on the transaction. Expenses out of Award Period are not billable to Sponsors. If the Budget dates are incorrect, please advise your ORACS accountant. View FAO by Grant Attributes (Grant Only) Provides a list of grants and award numbers for the cost center enabled for your security Use this report to view a listing of grants and awards, useful in reporting and transaction reviews. Award Budgetary Balance Summary Provides a status of budget against actuals, by object class, against the AWARD Use as your monthly summary 15
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Award Budgetary Balance Summary (NCL) URF0840 For assistance with, or questions specific to, these reports please contact your ORACS Staff Accountant.
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Transaction Details by Months (NCL) URF0398
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Transaction Details - Data Extract (NCL) URF0400 Continuation of report
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Summary Company Reports FAO Budgetary Balance Summary – Monthly Ledger – shows budget versus actual by FAO and Spend/Revenue Category – Standard URF0945 – Printable URF0940 FAO Available Balance Summary URF0910– provides available to spend balance for non-project FAO’s FAO Available Balance Summary for UR Projects URF0913– provides available to spend balance for non-project FAO’s Award Budgetary Balance Summary URF0331– provides award budget versus actual
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Detail Company Reports Monthly Transactions Printable URF0942 – listing of all transactions by FAO Transaction Details by Months URF0295 Transaction Detail - Data Extract URF0296 – listing of all transactions by FAO for extract into Excel Find Journal Line Details URF0853
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Monthly Transactions Printable URF0942 To Print Report
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Monthly Transactions Printable URF0942
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Reporting Tools COGNOS Financial Data Warehouse will be frozen at UR Financials go live Data prior to cutover accessible in FRS terms Reports, log in – how you access stays the same Remains in FRS terms CumSal (Cumulative Salary) Data Warehouse applications will still be available Data displayed in UR Financials terms after Go Live Data prior to Go Live will be frozen in current format UR Financials will be the primary reporting tool Summary level FRS data for first half of FY 2015 loaded into UR Financials Historical transactional data not loaded into UR Financials
UR Financials Reporting Workshop Jan.-Feb Wrap Up / Next Steps If need security access updated, use UR Financials Security form on website – divisional finance approval needed Set up filters, run reports to ensure you know how to use them Questions? Additional see the “Support” tab on the UR Financials website Thanks for attending!