Module 4 – Promoting Community Self-Help
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 2 Community Participation Community participation helps establish ownership of support or relief initiatives and may lead to more sustainable recovery
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 3 Learning Objectives Describe the factors that make a community supportive and healthy for its members Give details of how communities can be helped to use their own resources for solving problems Develop ideas and methods to engage people and achieve participation
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 4 Defining a Community Common Identity Factors Geography Language Values Attitudes Behavior patterns Interests Beliefs Culture Trauma/disaster experience
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 5 Assumptions of Community Participation Recovery projects are based on ideas developed by the concerned people themselves A planned process exists that encourages community participation
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 6 Identify and involve community leaders or influential persons Establish a sense of ownership by the community Identify community resources Promote psychological well-being Mobilize resources Encourage joint decision making and consensus
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 7 Identify and Involve Community Leaders Involvement of local leaders is an essential part of community participation Identify leaders who: Are locally accepted, trusted and respected. Accurately represent their communities. Will work towards helping the community to achieve its collective goals. Have sufficient status to attract other members to be involved.
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 8 Activity # 14 – Who are your leaders? Break into groups Using the following list, identify your community leaders: Locally accepted, trusted and respected. Accurately represent their communities Will work towards helping the community to achieve its collective goals Have sufficient status to attract other members to be involved
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 9 Establish a Sense of Ownership Successful community recovery programs require a local sense of ownership Solutions that come from the community are more likely to be implemented
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 10 Identify Community Resources Knowledge of traditional and cultural resources in the community is important. Roles of social networks, families, traditional leaders, etc Culturally appropriate ways of helping and supporting those in distress.
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 11 Factors Promoting Psychological Well-Being Belonging to a caring family or community Maintaining traditions and cultures Having a strong religious belief or political ideology
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 12 Protective Factors for Children Stable emotional relationship with adults Social support both within and from outside the family
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 13 Strengthening Protective Factors Empower people with a sense of control and predictability over their lives Encourage people to do familiar things together
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 14 Mobilize Resources Mobilize resources and strengthen the communities own capacities Actively assist with transforming needs and goals into action
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 15 Steps in Action Planning 1. Identify the vision or goal 2. Brainstorm possible actions 3. Weigh advantages & disadvantages 4. Determine resources needed for each option
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 16 Steps in Action Planning (cont) 5. Choose an acceptable plan of action 6. Decide who will do what, when, where and how 7. Establish a time frame and criteria to evaluate success
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 17 Encourage Joint Decision- Making and Consensus Building Differences of opinion may obstruct achievement of a common goal. Be aware of conflict or tension. Find mutually acceptable solutions.
Module 4 Promoting Community Self-Help 18 Activity # 15 - Coordination Break into small groups of 4-5 people. Imagine that your area has had a number of cattle die, and agroterrorism is suspected but not yet confirmed. You are all meeting to discuss the situation and to decide on a course of action. Appoint a facilitator, then give 10 minutes to discuss possible courses of action. List your: Needs Resources A possible course of action Projected impact of the course of action In the large group, report your decisions and discuss the experience with the group.