Healthcare Recruitment in the UK Celia Pappas EURES UK
2 Department for Work & Pensions Main Considerations UK Healthcare Skills Shortages Regulatory Bodies Registration Where to look for Work The National Health Service (NHS)
3 Department for Work & Pensions Healthcare Skills Shortages Specialist Consultants Diagnostic Medical Radiographers Sonographers Nurses (operating theatre, neonatal ICU) Consultant in Paediatric Dentistry Medical & Dental Technologists (Nuclear medicine & radiotherapy )
4 Department for Work & Pensions How do you describe your job? Is my qualification recognised in the UK Is my profession regulated in the UK Who do I have to register with to have permission to work in the UK Is my qualification comparable with a UK job descriptor What salary can I expect Find out about continuous professional development Where do I find codes of conduct
5 Department for Work & Pensions Regulatory Bodies GMC (General Medical Council) GPhC (General Pharmaceutical Council) HCPC (Health & Care Professions Council) GDC (General Dental Council) NMC (Nursing and Midwifery Council)
6 Department for Work & Pensions Language Skills As an EEA national you are required to have sufficient knowledge of English to practice professionally Responsibility lies with Employer and applicant Excellent level expected
7 Department for Work & Pensions Interactive screenshot of NHS jobs (England and Wales)
8 Department for Work & Pensions Interactive Screen shot of NHS jobs (Scotland )
9 Department for Work & Pensions Working Conditions for Healthcare Staff Information about career paths, salaries and conditions for international jobseekers can be found on the NHS Careers website ( /) /
10 Department for Work & Pensions Looking for work The National Health Service Website Specialist Agencies Company websites Regulatory body websites Professions Magazines: British Dental Journal Classified Nursing Times Pharmatimes RCN Bulletinjobs
11 Department for Work & Pensions Things to keep in mind You must be registered with the UK regulatory body relevant to your Profession before you are allowed to practice in the UK The National Health Service use their own website for recruitment You may have to do a period of supervised practice before you can work independently The NHS careers website explains the NHS hierarchy & career development.
12 Department for Work & Pensions Overview of the Nursing opportunities in the West Midlands The current number of Nurses needed in the West Midlands is over 250 Theatres General Theatres Paediatric Paediatric Paediatric Oncology/Haematology Neonatal General Medicine/Elderly care/Stroke General Surgery Accident &Emergency Trauma & Orthopaedic Intensive Coronary Care Unit
13 Department for Work & Pensions Working for National Health Service (NHS) Trusts across the West Midlands Wages: minimum £21478 (band 5) maximum £34530 (band 6) Support: Accommodation paid for the first month Cost of travel to take up post 6 week Induction programme Mentor to support for at least 6 months Requirements: Minimum 12 months experience, and English to at least B2 level CV to Jane Smith
14 Department for Work & Pensions NHS Doctors Pay for doctors from April 2014 Doctors in the specialty doctor grade earn a basic salary of between £37,176 and £69,325. Consultants can earn a basic salary of between £75,249 and £101,451 per year, dependent on length of service. Local and national clinical excellence awards may be awarded subject to meeting the necessary criteria. Many general practitioners (GPs) are self employed and hold contracts, either on their own or as part of a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG). The profit of GPs varies according to the services they provide for their patients and the way they choose to provide these services. Salaried GPs who are part of a CCG earn between £54,863 to £82,789 dependent on, among other factors, length of service and experience. For more information about pay for doctors, visit the NHS Employers website.NHS Employers website For more information about GP recruitment, visit the GP Recruitment websiteGP Recruitment website
15 Department for Work & Pensions