Anorexia Nervosa Psychological Factors Lesson 2
Understand 3 treatments that are used for anorexia through presentations Know the psychological factors that explain anorexia nervosa Know some of the evaluation and IDA points for this area. UCAS Learning Objective
Starter Review from last time - The Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (DSM) lists four criteria for anorexia Can you name all 4? 5 mins
The Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorder (DSM) lists four criteria for anorexia Anxiety – A person with Anorexia has an excessive fear being fat and gaining weight. Weight – drops below 85% of the individuals normal weight based on height and age. Unusual eating habit develop such as avoiding food and meals. Regular weight checking and engagement in weight control methods like exercise. Body-image distortion – Anorexics don’t see how thin they become and deny there is a problem with weight. Perception of being fat and thiness is vital to self esteem. Amnorrhoea – The absence of periods for more than 3 months. DSM-IV-TR classification 5 mins
Different explanations Cultural ideals and media influences Personality Ethnicity and peer influences In pairs prepare a presentation on flip chart You must prepare a way of assessing what the audience know so create questions in test form for students to answer after the presentation. 20 mins
Real world application – The fashion industry has recognised this is an issue and some have made steps to address. Ethnical issues in research – Online communities are sources of data for research. But this raises questions about ethnics Have a look online for some of the following examples of the above: Dove self esteem programme Online communities/forums. IDAs
Feedback from your research. Plenary – Next lesson – Biological Explanations 5 mins