Ideas and Guidance for the Required Career Preparation Presentations for TEAP Webinar Diane A. Tennies, Ph.D., LADC Lead TEAP Health Specialist
Learning Objectives 1.Review the PRH requirements as related to career phases presentations. 2.Learn how to revise the provided templates to create individualized presentations for all three career phases. 3.Identify and resolve barriers to implementation of the three required presentations.
PRH Guidance from 6.11 R1 Centers shall provide basic TEAP services, as described below: The general emphasis of TEAP shall be on prevention, education, identification of substance use problems, relapse prevention, and helping students overcome barriers to employability.
Substance Use Prevention/Education for CPP Minimum of a 1-hour presentation on substance use prevention for all new students during the Career Preparation Period. This presentation shall explain: – (1) TEAP prevention, education, and intervention service – (2) Job Corps drug and alcohol testing requirements and procedures – (3) the consequences of testing positive for drug or alcohol use while in Job Corps
Substance Use Prevention/Education for CDP and CTP Presentation(s) on managing substance misuse, abuse, and dependency symptoms and issues in the workplace for students during the Career Development and Transition Periods
Where on the website??
CPP TOPIC: Introduction to the TEAP Program (available on website) Timeframe: minutes Goal: To introduce students to the TEAP program as a center- wide alcohol and drug prevention and education effort with a focus on preventing barriers to employability. Materials: Handouts that detail services offered. (Center to create own.)
Lesson Outline TEAP Specialist Introduction—Introduce the TEAP Specialist and describe his/her role on center. Confidentiality (42 CFR Part 2 and HIPAA)—Outline how confidentiality is maintained and define “need to know.” Zero Tolerance (ZT) Policy—Explain Job Corps’ ZT policy related to employability. Center-Wide Prevention and Education Activities—Explain you center’s specific activities (e.g., Red Ribbon Week; Above the Influence Day; Substance Abuse Awareness Month) and how students can get involved. Students Who Are at Risk For Substance Abuse—Define “at-risk” and explain how risk is determined and why determining risk is important (e.g., use the example of CAR question on CRAFFT and the number of deaths associated motor vehicle accidents). When Substance Use Becomes a Problem—Describe the use of Medical Separation with Reinstatement Rights (MSWR) and why this important. Drug Screening—Describe the entrance drug test including timeline for results and what happens next, 45-day test, and suspicion test process. Also, discuss the importance of drug screening related to employment
Lesson Outline (cont’d) Drug Screening—Describe the entrance drug test including timeline for results and what happens next, 45-day test, and suspicion test process. Also, discuss the importance of drug screening related to employment. TEAP Mandatory Program—Describe 45-day mandatory intervention program for those who test positive on entrance. Describe off-site services, such as 12-step meetings, aftercare, and other requirements such as involvement in recreation activities and restriction to center. Emphasize seriousness of the situation. Alcohol Use Policies—Detail alcohol prohibitions and the consequences if a student is found in possession, use of the Breathalyzer, and consequences of testing positive. Warn students of the repercussions for purchasing alcohol for minors. Discuss the negative effects that using alcohol has on employment. **Alternative Activities—Lead a discussion about alternatives to using alcohol and drugs that are available on center for students.
Lesson Outline (cont’d) **Tobacco Use Prevention Program (TUPP)—Describe current program, services are available, helpline availability, and tobacco cessation programs available, including nicotine replacement products. Describe the policy that minors cannot use tobacco on center. **Hazards of Drug Use—Discuss the negative consequences associated with drug use as it pertains to health, employability, and the future. Discuss specific issues with prolonged drug use as it pertains to the brain, and cognition and memory function. (This should be an extended conversation involving the students with motivational enhancement techniques utilized to raise awareness about how their employability is impacted by drug use). Summary—Summarize role of the TEAP program as well as TEAP Specialist’s hours, availability, self-help meetings and relapse prevention programming. Question and Answer Period
CPP – Your ideas? What are you doing for CPP?
Career Development Phase (CDP) Document on website called “Alcohol and Other Drugs of Abuse” – Part of the student health education curriculum – Meets requirement for 3.17 as well – 34 pages of discussion topics, classroom lessons, computer lab activities, worksheets and projects. – Not meant to be used in entirety
A Closer Look: Best Practices Incorporate skill-based activities that focus on social problem solving, decision making, assertiveness, normative beliefs (prevalence and acceptability, harm/consequences, and refusal skills can decrease drug use in adolescents Include activities that enhance logical decision-making skills Incorporate peer-lead activities Address risk factors for adolescents Focus on reducing risk factors (aggression, delinquency, influences from delinquent peers, and impulsive-like behaviors)
Additional Thoughts It will be beneficial to separate males and females for some activities as males and females sometimes have different reasons for using drugs Each activity includes an overview, learning objectives, materials list, getting ready suggestions, pre-activity discussion, activity guidance and post-activity discussion.
Four Modules Module 1: Drugs and Alcohol Education – What’s Your Alcohol IQ? – National Drug IQ Challenge – Tobacco Use
Module 2: Drug and Alcohol Consequences & Decision-Making Skills Consequences of Alcohol and Drug Use How Alcohol Impairs You Mock Debate on Legalizing Marijuana
Module 3: Refusal Skills Brainstorming Alternatives to Drinking What would you do? (Critical thinking about situations)
Module 4: Promoting a Culture that Embraces a Sober Lifestyle Brainstorming Alternatives to Drinking (using creative outlets) Introduction to Services on Center/Where to go for Help
The Quit For Life ® Program The Quit For Life ® Program is the nation’s leading tobacco cessation program offered by 27 states and more than 675 employers and health plans throughout the U.S. Brought to you by collaboration between the American Cancer Society and Alere Wellbeing, the program is built on the organizations’ 35 years of combined experience in tobacco cessation. Available in English and Spanish, the Quit For Life ® Program employs an evidence-based combination of physical, psychological, and behavioral strategies to enable participants to take responsibility for and overcome their addiction to tobacco. A critical mix of medication support, phone-based cognitive behavioral coaching, text messaging, web-based learning, and support tools produces an average quit rate of 46 percent*. More information is available at:
SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) SAMHSA’s National Registry of Evidence-based Programs and Practices (NREPP) is a searchable online registry of more than 290 interventions supporting mental health promotion, substance abuse prevention, and mental health and substance abuse treatment.more than 290 interventions
Not on Tobacco (NOT) Not on Tobacco (NOT) from the American Lung Association is a voluntary non-punitive program that uses life- management skills to help teen smokers handle stress, decision-making, and peer and family relationships. N-O-T teaches youth how to effectively communicate with family members, provides informative handouts to parents and family members, and offers strategies for participants to assert their needs with family who use tobacco. The Not- On-Tobacco® curriculum consists of ten 50-minute sessions that typically occur once a week for 10 weeks. More information is available at: smoking/how-to-quit/getting-help/not-on-tobacco.htmlhttp:// smoking/how-to-quit/getting-help/not-on-tobacco.html
Freshstart® Freshstart® is a group-based tobacco cessation support program offered by the American Cancer Society. Freshstart incorporates the most current guidelines for tobacco cessation support into four face-to-face group support sessions. The Freshstart evidence-based approach is geared to help participants increase their motivation to quit, learn effective approaches for quitting and guide them in making a successful quit attempt. The evidence-based components of Freshstart include: – Motivational intervention activities – Practical counseling (problem solving skills) – Social support – Education about medication and approaches to quitting More information is available at:
CDP What are you doing for this presentation? How is it set up logistically to reach all students?
Career Transition Phase (CTP) Template on website entitled “Relationship of a Healthy Lifestyle to Successful Job Retention and Consume Health” – 22 pages long – Activities to provide strategies to remain healthy during and after Job Corps – Discussion topics, classroom lessons and worksheets – Not designed to be used in entirety – 3 modules
Module 1: Wellness and Employability Chronic Illnesses and Work Physical Activity in the Workplace What might hold you back? Drug Testing in the Workplace
Module 2: Finishing Strong; CTP as a Recipe for Lifelong Success Recap of Time at JC Overcoming barriers Discussion Topics
Activity: Discussion Topics for CTP Discuss the following topics with students: – Conflict with parents, supervisors, peers Assertive communication skills Distress reduction strategies Coping with different communication styles Anger management – Sleep problems Sleep hygiene/strategies to get to sleep and stay asleep Issues with sleeping medication – Stress Stress reduction strategies Controlling responses to stress – Developing healthy relationships Boundaries, relationship building skills Education regarding dating violence/healthy romantic relationships
Module 3: Accessing Services After Job Corps Wading through the health insurance lingo Decisions about Health Insurance Navigating the patient protection and affordable care act (PPACA) Free Clinic, Urgent Care, Emergency Room or Doctor’s office Accessing a Company’s EAP
CTP And this presentation? Barriers?