April 1 st ! Happy April Fools Day!!! Begin NOW on finishing Vocab. – have 5 minutes once class starts. Agenda –Bellwork –Notes –Questions
Revolutions in Russia HSCE Ch. 30 sec. 1 *Czar Nicholas II---absolute ruler of Russia---autocratic -anyone who spoke a lang. other than Russian, worshipped another religion besides Russian Orthodox Church, or questioned the Czar was dangerous = eliminated *Nicholas I---Alexander III (1880s)----Alexander II----Nicholas II (1894) *Czars did the following to keep Russia Pure: --Russian = official language --oppressed Natl. groups --targeted Jews--est. a uniform Russian culture
*Russia Industrializes —1900 = factories doubled -still was behind Western nations -sought foreign investment & raised taxes to industrialize -by 1900, Russia is 4 th largest steel producer in world longest railway in world = Trans-Siberian Railroad *Revolutionary Movement--- -industrialization = miserable work conditions, low wages, child labor, low standard of living = strikes! -Karl Marx----developed Marxism (communism) --industrial class would overthrow the czar/wealthy -proletariat----the workers ---workers would rule the country…..
*Bolsheviks---radical Marxists who were willing to sacrifice everything for revolutionary change. ---leader = Vladimir Lenin -ruthless -excellent organizer -charismatic personality --exiled early 1900s….but returned for 1917 Rev. *Crises in Russia = Russo-Japanese War----Russia gets faced by the Jap. Army---Russian people upset!!!! -Bloody Sunday: Rev. of 1905 = 200K workers protest at czar Nicky II’s palace------his men fire on the crowd = kill > Nicky agrees to create Duma---parliament -Nicky won’t share power & dissolves Duma…….
*World War I---Nicholas II dragged Russia into war—1914 -Russians no match for Germans = 1000s Russians die > 4 million is less than a year -Nicky II’s wife (Alexandra) rules while he’s at war---ignored his advisors --Rasputin----”holy man”—claimed to have healing powers --he eased Alexis’ pain (Czar & Carina’s son) --in return she lets him make key govt. decisions -hooked up his friends—ignored the people * he gets murdered! *Russian people were starving & freezing…low on supplies --high prices --screaming for change *Russian Army begins to mutiny and desert or ignore orders *Czar & Czarina could not handle the govt. anymore or problems
*General protests surged to an uprising --Czar Nicholas II steps down…give up his throne year Romanov rule ended --Czar & family all murdered…. Romanov 2:04 *provisional govt. set up…..not strong -Soviets---local councils of workers, peasants, soldiers --many areas, soviets had more influence than provisional govt. *Germans knew Lenin & Bolsheviks would hurt the Russian war effort, so they arranged for him to return to Russia from exile in 1917
*1917—Lenin & Bolsheviks controlled major Russian cities --promised “Peace, Land, and Bread” --November stormed the Winter Palace in Petrograd, Russia ---Lenin distributed all farmland to peasants ---gave control of factories to workers ***Bolsheviks signed truce w/ Germany to stop fighting & enter peace talks *Bolsheviks face civil war--- Bolsheviks had to defeat enemies at home -White Army---anti-Bolsheviks who wanted czar back -Bolsheviks = Red Army *3 yr. fight = 14 million Russians die-----Red Army wins
*Russia Under Lenin--- -Economy is devastated by war/revolution -Lenin’s govt. takes control of banks, major industries, communication, most farms -country needed a single party who was disciplined and a central power to keep order & things running ***Organized Russia into several self-governing republics under control of Central Govt. *** changes the name to USSR --Bolsheviks renamed their party = Communist Party *NOT dictatorship of the people….dictatorship of the Party *Joseph Stalin---slowly rose to power in Commie Party -cold, hard, ruthless, impersonal, paranoid Lenin dies = Stalin has the power & by 1928, takes command of Commie Party…
Comprehension Questions 1.Create at timeline showing the major events in the changing of Russian government Which event on the timeline caused the death of 14 million Russians? 3.How did WWI help to bring about the Russian Revolution? 4.What groups made up the Red Army / White Army? 5.Why did the Bolsheviks rename their party the Communist Party?