Agenda Invitation to Write: What does it mean to be an American? Are you proud to be an American? Why? Why not? Continue reading The Crucible.
Agenda Invitation to Write Finish characterization sheet. SOAPSTone notes. Homework: Read Into the Wild and work on your timeline. Next week, upcoming: Poetry analysis. BRING YOUR TEXTBOOKS ON MONDAY. YOU WILL NOT BE ALLOWED TO GO TO YOUR LOCKER.
SOAPSTone Analysis A method of analyzing a text, developed by the College Board.
…But why? We use SOAPSTone analysis to make sure we fully analyze a piece of text. Each letter stands for something very important that needs to be considered when you’re looking at a piece of text.
S ubject. Ascertain the main idea, or subject, of the text.
O ccasion. According to, “The time and the place of the piece; the context that prompted the writing. ”
A udience. Ask yourself: What are the characteristics of the audience? Why is the author addressing them?
P urpose. Ask yourself: What does this author hope to accomplish by this expression of opinion?
S peaker. Ask yourself: Who is the narrator? What details will the narrator reveal? Why is it important that the audience know who the narrator is?
T one. Ask yourself: What attitude[s] do you want your audience to feel? How will your attitude[s] enhance the effectiveness of your piece? Choose a few words or phrases that will reflect a particular attitude.
In teacher assigned groups… use SOAPSTone to analyze the poem on page 458 in the blue text book. Write this down on your own sheet of paper. We will come together as a group to compare our answers.
Poetry Out Loud assignment Due November 3.