TYLER Curriculum Model Professor Timothy Burry
OBJECTIVES Explore the evolution of the Tyler Curriculum Model Describe the model and its major components Define the primary terms that are used Discuss the primary strengths and drawbacks of the model Describe how this model can be applied in (nursing) education
EVOLUTION OF THE MODEL Click the link below for a brief history of the evolution of the Tyler model: http://tylerobjectivemodel.weebly.com
MAJOR COMPONENTS The Tyler Model is often referred to as the ‘objective model’ because of it’s objective or unbiased approach to educational evaluation It emphasizes consistency among objectives, learning experiences, and outcomes Curriculum objectives indicate both behavior to be developed and area of content to be applied (Keating, 2006)
MAJOR COMPONENTS Tyler stated his curriculum logic in terms of four questions which must be answered in developing any curriculum and plan of instruction: I. E, What educational purposes should the school seek to attain?
MAJOR COMPONENTS (CONT.) What educational experiences can be provided that are likely to attain these purposes? How can these educational experiences be effectively organized? How can we determine whether these purposes are being achieved?
MAJOR COMPONENTS These questions can be turned into a four step process Stating Objectives Selecting Learning Experiences Organizing Learning Experiences Evaluating the Curriculum www.neiu.edu/~aserafin/New%20Folder/TYLER.html
Tyler’s Four Principles of Teaching Principle 1: Defining Appropriate Learning Objectives
Tyler’s Teaching Principles cont’d Principle 2: Establishing Useful Learning Experiences
Tyler’s Teaching Principles cont’d Principle 3: Organizing Learning Experiences to Have a Maximum Cumulative Effect
Tyler’s Teaching Principles cont’d Principle 4: Evaluating the Curriculum and Revising Those Aspects That Do Not Prove to be Effective (Keating, 2006) The four step can be defined as 1) stating the objectives, 2) selecting learning experiences, 3) organizing learning experiences and 4) evaluating the curriculum. 11
Synopsis of Principles Through the development of these four principles, Tyler introduced educational ideas leading to new considerations regarding the measurement of viable outcomes. These outcomes occur by developing a list of programs or curriculum objectives that indicates both the kind of behavior to be developed in the student and the area of content or life in which the behavior is to be applied (Keating 2006).
What do we mean by evaluation? Evaluation encompasses the idea of aligning measurement and testing with educational objectives
PRIMARY TERMS OF THE THEORY Stating Objectives (Denham, 2002) This progressive design emphasizes the importance of studying the student to find out what kinds of interests he has, what problems he encounters, what purposes he has in mind. The progressive sees this information as providing the basic source for selecting objectives
PRIMARY TERMS OF THE THEORY Selecting Learning Experiences (Denham, 2002) Tyler believes that students learn through exploration Like his mentor, John Dewey, Tyler believes teachers should encourage students to appreciate how their learning can be applied to the real world.
PRIMARY TERMS OF THE THEORY Organizing Learning Experiences (Denham, 2002) Central to Tyler’s Model is effectively organizing the learning activities Students need concrete experiences in which the lessons are meaningfully connected Three major criteria are required in building organized learning experiences: continuity, sequence and integration
PRIMARY TERMS OF THE THEORY Evaluating the Curriculum (Denham, 2002) The process of assessment is critical to Tyler’s Model and begins with the objectives of the educational program The process of evaluation is essentially the process of determining to what extent the educational objectives are actually being realized by the program of curriculum and instruction
STRENGTHS OF MODEL The active participation of the learner (Prideaux, 2003) Class objectives are clearly defined in the purposes. These purposes are then translated into educational objectives. The simple linear approach to development of behavioral objectives is applied (Billings & Halstead, 2009) www.coedu.usf.edu/agents/dlewis/publications/tyler.htm)
CRITICISMS OF THE TYLER MODEL Narrowly interpreted objectives (acceptable verbs) Difficult and time consuming in the construction of behavioral objectives Curriculum is restricted to a restricted range of student skills and knowledge
CRITICISMS OF THE TYLER MODEL (CONT.) Critical thinking, problem solving and value acquiring processes cannot be plainly stated in behavioral objectives (Prideaux, 2003)
CRITICISMS OF THE TYLER MODEL (CONT.) Learning experiences are individual and are not totally within the power of the teacher to select The teacher can control the learning experience through the manipulation of the environment, which results in stimulating situations sufficient to induce the kind of learning outcomes desired www.neiu.edu/~aserafin/New%20Folder/TYLER.html
IMPLICATIONS FOR (NURSING) CURRICULUM Behavioral objectives are no longer the “gold standard”. Other prescriptive models, (rule based) have emerged since the 1980s. Outcome or results based education focuses on student behavior instead of the teacher and defines outcomes obtained by the student only
REFERENCES Denham, T.J. (2002). Comparison of two curriculum/Instructional Design Models: Ralph W. Tyler and Siena College Accounting Class, ACCT205. Retrieved from ERIC Database. (ED 471734) Northeastern Illinois University. (n.d.). Classical Model. Ralph Tyler, 1949, Book Summary. Retrieved from www.neiu.edu/~aserafin/New%20Folder/TYLER.html University of South Florida College of Education. (n.d.). Ralph Tyler’s little book. Retrieved from www.coedu.usf.edu/agents/dlewis/publications/tyler.htm
REFERENCES (CONT.) Billings, D. M. & Halstead, J.A. (2009).Teaching in nursing: A guide for faculty. St. Louis, Missouri: Saunder Elsevier Keating, S. (2006). Curriculum development and evaluation in nursing. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Prideaux, D. (2003). Curriculum design: ABC of learning and teaching in medicine. British Medical Journal, 326(7383), 268-270. Retrieved from http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1125124/?tool=pubmed