Do now Think of a recent incident when a student did not follow your expectations and write answers to the following: What was the behavior? What was your response? Was your response effective? Why or why not? TLAC: Threshold #41, Do Now #29, Everybody Writes #26
Making Hope Happen Developing a Positive Classroom Culture Effective Procedures and Routines Techniques from Teach Like A Champion
Learning goal… Teachers will identify strategies they can implement to build a strong classroom management system. TLAC: Post It #29, 4 M’s #7 TAPPLE
Checking for Understanding What is today’s learning goal? #1 Begins “Today’s learning goal is…” TLAC: CFU #18, Circulate #15, Cold Call #22
It’s fundamental… There is NO substitute for a well planned, consistently implemented behavior management system that is regularly rehearsed and reinforced.
Explicit Direct Instruction
Starting with Relationships Effective classroom management begins with positive relationships Positive relationships value the individual Positive relationships are authentic Threshold (TLAC) TAPPLE
Supports for building positive relationships Positive presupposition Student spotlight Precise praise (TLAC) Student Interest Inventories Competition TAPPLE
Write, Pair, Share What is one idea you could implement tomorrow to build more positive relationships with your students? Share your idea with an elbow partner. Be prepared to share out whole group. TAPPLE
Positive Relationships "Good behavior management always has relationship building as its primary objective. You want teachers to relate to children positively, and you want children to succeed in school so they will be self-confident. Behavior management is simply a means to that end." (Fred Jones Tools for Teaching)
Starting with Routines Making tasks routine, or automatic, frees time for instruction Explain, Rehearse, and Reinforce Entry routine (TLAC) Tight Transitions (TLAC) TAPPLE
Hallmarks of Good Routines Quick Low narration Well planned Without interruptions Shared ownership TLAC Field Guide p.257
Think, Pair, Share What is one characteristic of a good routine? Share your idea with an elbow partner, explain why you believe that characteristic is important. Be prepared to share out whole group. TAPPLE
Starting with Planning Planning time for both content instruction and teaching/reinforcing routines Begin with the End (TLAC) Double Plan (TLAC)
Write, Pair, Share How might you adjust your planning to better communicate and support. learning objectives to your students? Share your idea with an elbow partner. Be prepared to share out whole group. TAPPLE
Jigsaw Read A’s read: Technique #28 Entry Routine B’s read: Technique #29 Do Now C’s read: Technique #30 Tight Transitions D’s read: Technique #32 SLANT
Expert Group/Home Group Gather with your like reading assignment (Expert group). Each participant will have one minute to summarize one key idea from their reading. Record key ideas and perspectives shared by others.
Expert Group/Home Group Return to your original table group (Home group). Each participant will have two minutes to share their assigned technique. Group members will record key ideas about each of the four techniques on the guided note sheet. handout
Stand up and Share Everyone stands. Consider one idea or TLAC technique you will implement. At the signal a volunteer shares their idea. Everyone who had that idea sits down. Procedure continues until everyone is seated. *suggested modification for participation
Revisit Reflect on the incident you recorded at the start of this session. If your response was not successful, how might the TLAC strategies shared in this session improve your effectiveness with similar situations in the future? Share your thoughts with a table mate.
Give-One-Get-One Activity Using the Give-One-Get-One handout identify 3 specific strategies, procedures, or programs your school suggests to support positive classroom management. Record specific PBiS strategies Record these in 3 different boxes on your handout. Circulate throughout the room sharing your ideas and recording the ideas others share with you. handout
Closure Thank you for your participation!