FALLING INTO PLACE A study of the Fall Line and its impact on South Carolina and Georgia.
Map Slide I What is a Fall Line?
A Fall Line marks the area where the upland region (continental bedrock) and the coastal plain meet. Along the eastern coast of the United States, the east-facing escarpment, where the Piedmont of the Appalachians descends steeply to the coastal plain forms a fall line over 1500 km long. This long fall line played a major role in settlement patterns along rivers, back into prehistoric times. It is often referred to simply as "the fall line".
The Fall Line in Georgia and South Carolina Map Slide II The Fall Line in Georgia and South Carolina
How does the Savannah River look as it crosses Fall Line?
Savannah River Shoals at the Fall Line A fall line is typically prominent when crossed by a river, for there will often be rapids or waterfalls. The Savannah River becomes rocky and shallow as it crosses the fall line.
How do you think the Fall Line affected the ways in which early Native Americans lived and traveled?
Native American Settlements in the Carolinas and Georgia
How do you think the Fall Line affected the travels and movement of early explorers?
Hernando de Soto 1540
How do you think the Fall Line affected colonial settlement patterns and trade routes?
Where is the Fall Line is on this colonial map of Georgia and South Carolina?
The Fall Line Point out that the colonial roadway follows the path of the fall line.
Early Travel on the Savannah River
How did the Savannah River and the Fall Line impact Augusta’s growth and development?
Visit the Augusta Canal National Heritage Area Discover where history… and Interpretive Center Discover where history…
Falls Into Place