Population Density
Definition and Examples The population density of a place is the number of people who live there per square mile. A place with a high population density has many people living there per square mile. A place with low population density has a few people living there per square mile.
Around the World 2 students Australia - 20 desks=2,967,896 square miles and… 2 students
Around the World 32 students U.S. - 25 desks=3,615,104 square miles and… 32 students
Around the World 13 students Japan - one desk=143,749 square miles and… 13 students
Given the fact that most of Japan’s land is mountainous and too steep for easy cultivation, the population of Japan is distributed unevenly. Almost the entire population is crowded onto 16 percent of land that is flat enough for farming and settlement. These lowlands are generally small and scattered and are found mostly in coastal areas.
Think About It… Given Japan’s population density and geography, how do you think Japan produces food?
Only 16% of the land can be used for farming. People in Japan rarely eat beef. People depend on fish for 50% of their protein requirements.
Think About It… How might Japan’s population density and geography affect manners and behavior?
Manners and etiquette are very important to the people of Japan Manners and etiquette are very important to the people of Japan. In an effort to maintain order and harmony in a country where physical crowding creates the potential for serious conflict, the Japanese have developed a social environment that focuses on courtesy and etiquette.
Think About It… In what ways do you think Japan’s population density and geography affect housing?
Because space is limited in Japanese homes, space has always been used very economically. Houses and lots are small and compact, and very expensive. In many homes, which generally have three rooms, the main room in which visitors are entertained is transformed at night into the bedroom. Small, low cost high-rise apartments called danchi are popular in urban cities. 80% of people are cremated when they die.