Spelling and Word Wall Words Cycle 6 Note: Images used in this presentation were obtained from the internet. The sources of these images are cited on the final slide of this slideshow.
creep I saw him creep down the stairs.
sleep The baby went to sleep and smiled.
sheep Look! Those cupcakes look like sheep!
creek There is a creek close to my house.
cheek My grandma always pinches my cheek when she sees me.
weekend What are you doing this weekend?
peach This peach is delicious!
reach The little girl can’t reach the light switch.
teach I will teach my little sister sign language.
steam I see steam coming from my coffee cup.
cream I put cream cheese on my bagel.
dream I had a dream last night that I could fly.
Sources of Images “creep” images retrieved from: “sleep” image retrieved from: “sheep” images retrieved from: and sheep.org.uk/images/sheephome.jpghttp://media-cache-cd0.pinimg.com/736x/f8/78/2c/f8782ca74e519d7fe616ac4d1fd6dd1a.jpghttp:// sheep.org.uk/images/sheephome.jpg “creek” image retrieved from: “cheek” image retrieved from: “weekend” images retrieved from: EpkYU6KgJfg/U1Fl7PSG0yI/AAAAAAAADjg/ck5GxBWLN04/s1600/highlight+weekend+dates+on+asp.net+calendar.pnghttp://3.bp.blogspot.com/- EpkYU6KgJfg/U1Fl7PSG0yI/AAAAAAAADjg/ck5GxBWLN04/s1600/highlight+weekend+dates+on+asp.net+calendar.png “peach” image retrieved from: “reach” image retrieved from: “teach” image retrieved from: “steam” image retrieved from: 15.jpg 15.jpg “cream: image retrieved from: and content/uploads/2013/08/Bagel_Cream_Cheese.jpg and and and and and and content/uploads/2013/08/Bagel_Cream_Cheese.jpghttp://images.inmagine.com/400nwm/iris/stockfood-028/ptg jpg “dream” image retrieved from: