Monday, 9/22/ Set up pg.21 of INB for CN. OBJ = SWBAT ID the processes that affect weather. Topic = Heat transfer and weather fronts 2.Locate the terms weather & climate in textbook and define on p. 21, then create a Venn diagram on pg. 20 (left side of INB)
Monday, 9/22/2014 In Class: 1.Weather & climate starter in INB, Venn Diagram 2.Interpret the heat transfer diagram & review WS 3.CN: Air Masses and Fronts 4.Read page 461 as a group… set up CN in INB. Topic = Air pollution 5.Pick a partner & decide who will read/take notes on natural sources vs. human sources. Then pair and share (exchanging notes). Homework: 1.Quick write: Winds occur because of convection currents in the troposhere. How do you think winds affect air pollution?
Compare the terms in this diagram. (How are they similar, how are they different?
Let’s apply heat transfer to your life….
Why does this happen?