recognize appropriate cargo exclude surface proteins deform membrane scission Synaptic Vesicle Cycle: Endocytosis regulation couple endocytosis to exocytosis speed
kiss-and-run clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) CME bulk endocytosis
clathrin assembly of clathrin heavy chain into triskelia and lattice produces invagination that drives endocytosis
motifs YXXØ AAXXXLL Ø=hydrophobic A=acidic residues (D,E) adaptor proteins bind to cargo through tyrosine- or dileucine-based motifs cargo recognition: adaptors
heterotetramer AP-1, bind clathrin -- promote clathrin assembly also AP180 stonin a specialized adaptor (syt) but why do they not bind to SVs? (clathrin would block fusion) AP-2
lysosome/LRO late endosome (mvb) early endosome constitutive AP-3 AP-1 AP-2 SV
(Shupliakov et al, 1997) amphiphysin dominant negative forms of amphiphysin block endocytosis at a relatively late stage (~scission) lamprey reticulospinal synapse (microinject nerve terminal) BAR (Bin/Amphiphysin/Rvs) domain proteins
endophilin BAR CC SH3 (Weissenhorn, 2004) sense/promote membrane curvature N-BAR higher curvature F-BAR lower curvature I-BAR concave
BAR domain proteins produce tubules of different sizes in cells as well as in vitro (Frost et al., 2008)
cryoEM subunits sideways on membrane concave surface flips to face membrane when ring assembles --the energy for tubulation
FCHo proteins precede AP2, clathrin required for clathrin assembly (Henne et al., 2010)
scission: shibire (Drosophila) ts dynamin (shibire) shows paralysis at non-permissive temp failure of neurotransmission and depletion of SVs
clathrin dynamin dynamin forms collars around neck of vesicle GTP hydrolysis triggers scission (Takei et al, 1998) inside-out red blood cell membranes
dynamin 1 KO (mouse) F baf – F = endocytosis during stimulation dyn 1 KO has defect in endocytosis only during stimulus endocytosis after stimulation normal—other dynamins (Ferguson et al., 2007)
regulation: why are SVs not coated with clathrin? PIP2 binding unlocks cargo recognition site and PIP2 only in the plasma membrane
PIP(4,5)2 (diPaolo et al, 2004) synthesis activated by stimulation PI4Kgamma KO: defect in endocytosis
uncoating dephosphorylation of PIP2 releases AP2, clathrin synaptojanin is a lipid phosphatase synaptojanin KO accumulates coated vesicles impaired SV recycling (Kim et al, 2002)
compensatory endocytosis (how does endo = exo): calcium? (Gad et al, 1998) 0 min 40 sec 15 min lamprey reticulospinal synapse stimulated at high frequency incubated in 0 Ca ++ for 90 min then Ca ++ added back Ca ++ required but as low as 11 µM suffices ?cell surface SV proteins?
flower mutation (Drosophila) typical of endocytic mutants in Drosophila: exocytosis at low frequency normal increased synaptic depression with higher frequency increased, more variable quantal size --4 TMD: ?Ca channel? (Yao et al., 2009)
reciprocal interactions: coordination CARGO
(Schuske et al, 2003) endophilin mutant (unc-57) shows defect in clathrin uncoating very similar to synaptojanin mutant (unc-26) (C. elegans) endophilin (BAR domain protein) unc-57 = unc-26 and over-expression of other does not rescue --both required
endophilin required for synaptojanin localization more recent data supports a role for BAR domain as well
dual roles in function and recruitment dynamin: scission / amphiphysin-endophilin endophilin: invagination / synaptojanin synaptojanin: (fission and) uncoating
kiss-and-run clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) CME bulk endocytosis
amperometry kiss-and-run (dense core vesicles) feet and stand-alone feet flicker (M. Lindau) capacitance
(Pyle and Tsien, 2000) synaptic vesicles do SVs need more k-and-r than LDCVs? brief stimuli show differential unloading of more lipophilic FM1-43 and less FM2-10 weak strong (Harata et al., 2006) BPB accelerates loss of FM fluorescence
kiss-and-run clathrin-mediated endocytosis (CME) CME bulk endocytosis
unstimulated stimulated (10 Hz x 15 min) follows prolonged stimulation SVs regenerated from cisternae (?AP3): slow bulk endocytosis--at many synapses requires actin, PI3 kinase (not required for clathrin) (Heuser and Reese)
spontaneous release of spontaneously loaded SVs evoked release of SVs loaded by stimulation --distinct pools (Sara et al., 2005)
(Voglmaier and Edwards, 2007) perhaps different endocytic pathways make different SVs and differences in composition contribute to differences in function
(Hua et al, 2011) V-SNARE VAMP7 depends on AP-3 for SV localization VAMP7 mostly in resting pool
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