Introduction Nowadays, global competitive pressures pose permanent threats to the survival of companies; Companies have adopted new manufacturing paradigms such as Lean Production, Just-in-Time and Total Quality Management to eliminate waste, reduce costs and satisfy customer needs; The initial competitive advantage is nullified as the competition begins to adopt similar practices (Inman, Sale, Green Jr & Whitten, 2011); The rapid development of ICT has enabled the development of new production systems with traceability, visibility and interoperability in real time (Zhang, Qu, Ho & Huang, 2011); Manual, time-consuming and prone to error activity related to the collection of data is reduced and even eliminated, since these tasks start to be done by smart objects in real time and automatically (Huang GQ, Zhang, & Jiang, 2008). TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC2
Smart objects A smart object is any physical resource with embedded technologies. According to McFarlane, Sarma, Chirn, Wong & Ashton (2002) and Bajic (2005), the smart objects have the following characteristics: ◦unique Identity and self-awareness; ◦ability to communicate effectively with its environment; ◦ability to collect and store information about itself and its surrounding environment; ◦ability to participate in decision making; ◦ability to monitor and control its environment; ◦ability to generate interaction in the context of a product-service system. TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC3
Smart objects – key features 4TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC
Smart Objects Technologies TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC5
A framework for smart objects deployment in Quality Management The embedment of ICT technologies into machines and products, making these physical manufacturing resources “intelligent” and capable of participate in decision making. 6
A smart object embedding architecture Smart Objects cooperate and exchange information with each other so they can improve their decision- making process. This interaction is particularly useful for managing cold-chains, which require strict control over certain quality conditions. 7
Smart Objects Embedded Functions TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC8 Counting Module Rate Module Time Module 1 2 3
Module I – Counting The first module allows the smart object to count the products produced by a machine. TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC9 Order ID Machine ID Planned order quantity Current order quantity produced in real time Current order quantity produced with no defects in RT Current order quantity produced with defects in RT Order Efficiency (derivate) Scrap Level (derivate)
Module II – Rate Module II consists of functions that calculate the production rate, i.e. the rate at which an equipment processes items. TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC10 Order Id Machine ID Nominal Production Rate Average Production Rate with no defects Current Production Rate with no defects Average Production Rate with defects Current Production Rate with defects
Module III – Time Module III allows these smart devices to determine the productive and non-productive times associated to a machine: (1) processing time, (2) down time, (3) setup time and (4) waiting time. Each time represents a type of STATUS that a machine can present: (A) processing, (B) faulty, (3) change over and (4) idle. TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC11 Order ID Machine ID Current STATUS* Time Avarage STATUS* Time Beginning of STATUS* time End of STATUS* Time
Smart objects play a key role in the next generation of manufacturing systems They represent a sub-system of broader concepts of advanced manufacturing systems, such as, 1.ubiquitous and cloud manufacturing systems, 2.cyber-physical systems, factory, 4.factory of the future, 5.industry 4.0 and similar, including integration and embedding in more advanced ICT such as, ubiquitous and cloud computing technologies. 12TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC
Functional Areas The proposed functions contribute for different kind of problems solving in production and quality management, such as 1.production planning and control, 2.scheduling, 3.factory supervision, 4.real-time data acquisition and processing, and 5.real-time decision making 13TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC
Conclusions Smart objects are still in an early stage and, therefore, there are many challenges that need to be addressed; Although most of these constraints are technology-related, the lack of a solid base of scientific knowledge is also a major issue; The definition of “smart objects” differs from author to author meaning that without a common ground, we risk stalling the development and deployment of these smart devices; 14TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC
Conclusions Therefore further research and developments are required. For example, the inclusion of other kind of data for dealing with higher levels of a decision-making hierarchy and corresponding management functions for inter- enterprises and networked collaboration, are topics relevant to ubiquitous and cloud manufacturing, as emerging advanced manufacturing systems. 15TEMPUS MEETING, KRAGUJEVAC
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