INTRODUCTION KaiChen Zhang Forest Hills High School Play Computer Games To Be Game Creator
COMMUNITY BACKGROUND Small town called Little Bend Need to reduce Teens Crime Every year crime increasing We make many decision on education, land development, town resource, and crime
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION( REASON 1) We think teen curfew help teens to stay save and not to committed crime. In Dallas, the crime dropped 15 percent during curfew hours. It is unfair to punish all of the teenagers when only a small percentage are the guilty ones.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION( REASON 2) Anyone under 18 indoor by 8 P.M. on school nights and 11 P.M. Friday and Saturday this is good because it keep teens save. Teen curfew a effect after school programs, social activities, and athletics.
TEEN CURFEW IS TRYING TO HELP TEENS We believe that our community should start the teen curfew. Teen curfew has been benefits in many different states, such as “Dallas”, the crime dropped 15 percent during curfew hours. This means that the teen curfew was good for teens. As you can see we should start with teen curfew.