Scientific Computing 科學計算 Roger Jang ( 張智星 ) CSIE Dept, National Taiwan University.


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Presentation transcript:

Scientific Computing 科學計算 Roger Jang ( 張智星 ) CSIE Dept, National Taiwan University

Scientific Computing: Introduction Background “Linear Algebra” and “Numerical Methods” tends to be too dry… Numerous theorems Rank, null space… Linear transformation Eigenvalues Gauss elimination QR decomposition … Where is the application? “Scientific Computing” come to the rescue! A course to bridge the gap between LA/NM and applications With emphases on Problem solving Hands-on coding Data/approach visualization Real-world applications

Scientific Computing: Introduction Objectives (1/2) Programming Matrix computation Programming paradigms Animation & Visualization Basics of audio and images … Methodologies Least-squares estimate Approximation Interpolation PDF modeling Data clustering Pattern recognition Dynamic programming Numerical optimization …

Scientific Computing: Introduction Objectives (2/2) Applications Personal financial computing Loan and mortgage Insurance Least-square estimate Data fitting Data clustering Image data compression Object identification Classification Texts, audio, images… Principal component analysis Dimensionality reduction Data fitting Page rank Google’s page rank Team ranking Dynamic programming Object tracking Fractals

Scientific Computing: Introduction Prerequisites Prerequisites for STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) students Calculus: must Linear algebra: must Probability: better to have taken it already For non-STEM students Please talk to me first before taking the course

Scientific Computing: Introduction Text and Reference Books Textbooks MATLAB 程式設計【入門 篇】 by Roger Jang MATLAB 程式設計【入門 篇】 Online tutorial of Data Clustering and Pattern Recognition by Roger Jang Online tutorial of Data Clustering and Pattern Recognition Note that there is no single book that covers all aspects of scientific computing. Reference books Experiments with MATLAB by Cleve Moler Experiments with MATLAB Numerical computing with MATLAB by Cleve Moler Numerical computing with MATLAB MATLAB 程式設計【進階 篇】 by Roger Jang MATLAB 程式設計【進階 篇】

Scientific Computing: Introduction Corpus Collection We need to collect corpus for assignments Face recognition  Your face photos Query by humming  Your singing Speaker recognition  Your voice Age estimation from face  Your face photos at different ages …

Scientific Computing: Introduction Instructor and TAs Instructor Roger Jang ( 張智星) Roger Jang ( 張智星) Phone Skype: roger_jang Office hour: Call/ me any time to arrange an appointment (leave a message if necessary) TAs NTU 董晏儒 簡嘉宏 NTHU 卓真弘

Scientific Computing: Introduction Grading Policy (1/2) Course participation: 10% Each in-class question asked: +2% (10% top) Interactions with TAs and fellow students (over FB, CEIBA, , BBS, etc.) Roll call: -2% for each absence (no lower bound) Assignments: ~30% Demo required for programming assignments Flipped learning: ~20% Review exams Questions and answers Midterm & final exams: ~40% Hand-written Programming

Scientific Computing: Introduction Grading Policy (2/2) Note that… The instructor reserves the right to fine-tune those percentages All course material, assignments, exams, grading policy, etc. are more or less the same for both NTU and NTHU. The instructor will be generous in grading, given that you have fulfilled all the requirements!

Scientific Computing: Introduction Grading Policy (3/3) 在 FB 社團回答同學問題,每回答三次,可以 抵課堂發問一次,但還必須滿足下列條件: 必須是與課程內容相關之技術性問題 回答必須正確且完整 同學們必須自行回報給助教,由助教審核認定

Scientific Computing: Introduction Demo Time NTU Time: Tuesday 7-10pm Place: CSIE Dept, 219 Computer room NTHU Time: Monday 7-10 pm Place: CS Dept, 326 Computer room

Scientific Computing: Introduction Similar Courses Similar courses in the US Introduction to Scientific Computing and Problem Solving (CS Dept, Brown Univ) Introduction to Scientific Computing and Problem Solving Introduction to Scientific Computing (School of Computing, Univ. of Utah) Introduction to Scientific Computing Scientific Computing (Math Dept, New York Univ) Scientific Computing Scientific Computing in MATLAB (Math Dept, U. of Colorado) Scientific Computing in MATLAB

Scientific Computing: Introduction Important Websites Websites for this course Course homepage Facebook group CEIBA (NTU only) CEIBA MATLAB resources MATLAB 程式設計入門篇 MATLAB 程式設計入門篇 MATLAB 程式設計進階篇 MATLAB 程式設計進階篇 Toolboxes written by Roger Jang

Scientific Computing: Introduction Other Reminders Be aware that All latest news on FB (no further notification) A+ for recommendation letter Final grades are based on both Absolute scores Ranking Homework score is exponentially decayed (0.8)^n