Introduction Incorporated to devote all the efforts, knowledge, infrastructure and related market provisions to develop large scale solar photovoltaic power projects to meet ever rising energy demand of the society. We provide support for entire lifecycle of the project. Strong network of experienced technical associates.
Solar Potential Approximately 300 sunny days. The daily average solar energy incident over India varies from 4 to 7 kWh/m 2 with about 1,500–2,000 sunshine hours per year Even with efficiency as low as 10%, Solar Energy can fulfill complete energy demand expected by 2015.
At Bhamer village, Dhule district, Maharashtra 1 st phase of 25 MW started. 100 MW Solar Park
Block diagram
Sample Tehcnicals For 1 MW Solar PV Project Solar Panels: 4000 nos. Solar Inverters: 2 nos. Support structures: 900 nos. Electrical wiring: 5400 meters LT Panel: 1 nos. HT Panel: 1 nos. Transformer: 1 nos.
Benefits of Solar Project Eco-friendly energy. 80% depreciation per year 10 years of Income tax holiday Best option for tax planning. This project will be registered for Gold Standard, which will recognize project at International platforms. Local employment generation
Why us? Completion of technical design. All legal permissions obtained. Land finalisation completed. Completely ready road and water facilities. Ready to use transmission infrastructure. Nearby substation. We offer flexible investment options which enables investors to gain benefits as per their requirements and capacity.