Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey – 2014-15 Key Indicators Results.


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Presentation transcript:

Rwanda Demographic and Health Survey – Key Indicators Results

The survey was carried out by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Rwanda. Funding for the RDHS was provided by the Government of Rwanda, USAID, ONE UN, Global Fund, World Vision, and Partner in Health. Technical assistance was provided by ICF International as part of the Demographic and Health Surveys Program (DHS Program). The objective of the DHS program is to collect, analyze and disseminate demographic data, especially those related to fertility, family planning, maternal and child health, and HIV/AIDS.

DHSs in Rwanda

Implementation The survey was carried out by the National Institute of Statistics of Rwanda (NISR) and the Ministry of Health (MOH) of Rwanda. ICF International provided technical assistance to every phase of the survey through the worldwide Demographic and Health Program.

Implementation The fieldwork for the RDHS took place from November 9, 2014 to April 8, The data entry and editing took place from December 3, 2014 to April 26, The data cleaning and finalization took place from April, to May 15, Three questionnaires were used for the RDHS 2015: the Household Questionnaire, the Woman Questionnaire, and the Man Questionnaire.

Household Questionnaire The household questionnaire was used to list all the usual members and visitors and to collect information on the following topics: 1.Dwelling characteristics 2.Possession of iodized salt 3.Possession and utilization of mosquito net The household questionnaire is also an instrument to measure and test the following biomarkers: 1.Height and weight of women, men, and children 2.Anemia and malaria tests of women and children 3.HIV testing women and men (50% of household), and children (15% of households)

Women Questionnaire The women questionnaire was used to collect information on the following topics: 1.Respondent background characteristics 2.Reproduction, including a complete birth and death history of respondents’ children, and information on abortion 3.Contraception 4.Pregnancy, delivery and postnatal care 5.Immunization, health and nutrition, early childhood development 6.Marriage and sexual activity 7.Fertility preferences 8.Husband’s background and woman’s work 9.HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted infections 10.Other health issues 11.Adult mortality and MMR 12.Relationship in the household (DV)

Men Questionnaire The men questionnaire was used to collect information on the following topics: 1.Respondent background characteristics 2.Reproduction 3.Contraception 4.Marriage and sexual activity 5.Fertility preferences 6.Employment and gender roles 7.HIV/AIDS 8.Other health issues 9.DV

Sample Design The sample design allows indicators to be calculated at national level, for urban and rural areas. They also can be reported for 5 provinces. -Some indicators will be available at the district level. The sample was selected in two stages: -492 villages (clusters or enumeration areas) were selected with probability proportional to size. -Households were systematically selected from those listed in each EA for the survey. -All women age who were either permanent residents or visitors present in the households on the night before the survey were eligible to be interviewed. All men age in a sub-sample of the households were eligible to be interviewed.

Sample Size and Respond Rates Selected households: 12,793 Households found: 12,717 Interviewed: 12,699 Response rate: 99.9% Eligible women: 13,564 Interviewed: 13,497 Response rate: 99.5% Eligible men: 6,249 Interviewed: 6,217 Response rate: 99.5%

Marital Status WomenMen

Education Level WomenMen

4.2 At current fertility levels, a woman in Rwanda will have an average of 4.2 children in her entire reproductive life; The TFR of urban women is 3.6 and of rural women is 4.3 Total Fertility Rate

Trend in Fertility TFR for women age for the 3-year period preceding the survey

Current Use of Modern Methods Percentage of currently married women using any modern method

Trends in Maternal Health

Antenatal Visit for 4+ Times

Trends in Vaccination Coverage Percentage of children months fully vaccinated

Trend in Exclusive Breastfeeding Percentage of 0-5 month-olds who are exclusively breastfeeding.

Prevalence of ARI, Fever and Diarrhea Percentage of children under five years who had symptoms of ARI, fever, or diarrhea in the two weeks preceding the surve y

Treatment of ARI, Fever and Diarrhea Among children with symptoms of ARI, fever, or diarrhea percentage of whom treatment was sought from a health facility/ provider

Anemia in Children 6-59 months Children with <7.0 g/dl of hemoglobin have severe anemia, children with g/dl have moderate anemia, and children with g/dl have mild anemia

Anemia in Women Women with <7.0 g/dl of hemoglobin have severe anemia, women with g/dl have moderate anemia, and non- pregnant women with g/dl and pregnant women with g/dl have mild anemia.

Possession of Mosquito Net Percent of households with at least

Utilization of Mosquito Net by Children Percent of Children under 5 who slept ITN

Utilization of Mosquito Net by Pregnant Women Percent of pregnant women who slept ITN

Undernourished Children More than 2 SD below the median of WHO Child Growth Standards adopted in 2006.

Knowledge of HIV prevention Percentage of women and men age who, in response to prompted questions, say that people can reduce the risk of getting the AIDS virus by :

Multiple sex partners and use of condom-Women Among all women age 15-49Among women who had 2+ partners in the past 12 months

Multiple sex partners and use of condom-Men Among all men age 15-49Among men who had 2+ partners in the past 12 months

Multiple sexual partners - Men

Use Condom- Men

Infant and Under-five Mortality from the RDHS/RIDHS, 2005, , 2010, and

Maternal Mortality Ratio form the RDHSs 2000, 2005, 2010, and

Next Steps Preparation (drafting, reviewing, and printing) Key Indicators Report – KIR (formerly called Preliminary Report) - May-June 2015 Disseminating KIR – June