Human Security Martha Aguilera
What is human security? Human security is a ‘contested concept’ (meaning that there is no definite consensus) Human security is a new paradigm of security, which central core is people. Security of people, not just territory. Security of individuals.
The concept includes all aspects of human rights, such as meeting basic needs and also social and political freedom. It could be summarized as: “Protection and promotion of human survival (freedom from fear) daily life security (freedom from want).
Human security formulations Broad Human vulnerabilities. 4 characteristics: universal, people-center, interdependent and early prevention. Seven key components: Economic, Food, Health, Environmental, Personal, Community and political (UNDP Human Development Report)
Narrow Perspective: They specify human security as “freedom from organized violence”. A) Identifiable Perpetrator B)Is not a random crime but it is organized.
Differences between traditional and human security Human Security Human lives (main referent) Consider threats that are non-military. Prevention of security risks. Collective efforts (states, and other actors) National Security State-Centric Military Power Protection of Sovereignty and territory. Ideological.
Human security and international security issues. Security risks are changing and expanding. Spillover effects of threats. Security as a positive notion (human rights and development-peace building) Contemporary security issues require international cooperation. Human security attempts to prevent or minimize risks.
A picture is worth a thousand perspectives.
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