Unit 10 - Overview Freud’s Psychoanalytic Perspective: Exploring the Unconscious Psychodynamic Theories and Modern Views of the Unconscious Humanistic Theories Trait Theories Social-Cognitive Theories and Exploring the Self Click on the any of the above hyperlinks to go to that section in the presentation.
Module 55: Freud’s Psychoanalytic Perspective: Exploring the Unconscious
Introduction Personality
Psychoanalytic Theory’s Core Ideas
Psychoanalytic Theory’s Core Ideas Parts of the mind Conscious Preconscious Unconscious Free association Psychoanalysis Repression
Psychoanalytic Theory’s Core Ideas Personality Structure Pleasure principle Ego Reality principle Superego conscience
Psychoanalytic Theory’s Core Ideas Personality Development Psychosexual stages Oral Anal Phallic Latency Genital
Psychoanalytic Theory’s Core Ideas Personality Development
Psychoanalytic Theory’s Core Ideas Personality Development Erogenous zones Oedipus complex Electra complex Identification Gender identity Fixation
Psychoanalytic Theory’s Core Ideas Defense Mechanisms Repression Regression Reaction formation Projection Rationalization Displacement Sublimation Denial
Evaluating Freud’s Psychoanalytic Perspective
Evaluating Freud’s Psychoanalytic Perspective Contradictory Evidence Is repression a myth? Modern challenges to repression
Module 56: Psychodynamic Theories and Modern Views of the Unconscious
The Neo-Freudian and Psychodynamic Theorists
The Neo-Freudian and Psychodynamic Theorists Psychodynamic theory Neo-Freudians Adler’s inferiority complex Horney’s sense of helplessness Jung’s collective unconscious
Assessing Unconscious Processes
Assessing Unconscious Processes Projective Test Thematic Apperception Test (TAT) Rorschach Inkblot Test
The Modern Unconscious Mind
The Modern Unconscious Mind False consensus effect Terror management theory
Module 57: Humanistic Theories
Introduction Humanistic Theories
Abraham Maslow’s Self-Actualizing Person
Abraham Maslow’s Self-Actualizing Person Self-actualization Self-transcendence Peak experiences
Carl Rogers’ Person-Centered Perspective
Carl Rogers’ Person-Centered Perspective Growth promoting climate Genuineness Acceptance Empathy Unconditional positive regard Self-concept
Assessing the Self
Assessing the Self Self-report tests Ideal versus actual self
Evaluating Humanistic Theories
Evaluating Humanistic Theories Renewed interest in self-concept Criticisms Vague and subjective Individualistic and Western biased Naïve
Module 58: Trait Theories
Exploring Traits
Exploring Traits Trait Describing rather than explaining Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)
Exploring Traits Factor Analysis Eysenck and Eysenck Extroversion versus introversion Emotional stability versus instability Eysenck Personality Questionnaire
Exploring Traits Factor Analysis
Exploring Traits Biology and Personality Brain scans Brain arousal Genetics Autonomic nervous system reactivity
Assessing Traits
Assessing Traits Personality inventory Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) Empirically derived test Objective test Lie scale
The Big Five Factors
The Big Five Factors The Big Five Conscientiousness Agreeableness Neuroticism Emotional stability vs instability Openness Extraversion
Evaluating Trait Theories
Evaluating Trait Theories The Person-Situation Controversy Are traits consistent? Can traits predict behavior?
Module 59: Social-Cognitive Theories and Exploring the Self
Social-Cognitive Theories
Social-Cognitive Theories Social-cognitive perspective behavioral approach
Social-Cognitive Theories Reciprocal Influences Reciprocal determinism
Social-Cognitive Theories Reciprocal Influences Ways individuals and the environment interact Different people choose different environments Out personalities shape how we interpret and react to events Our personality help create situations to which we react
Social-Cognitive Theories Optimism versus Pessimism Optimism and Health Excessive Optimism Blindness to one’s own incompetence Positive psychology
Social-Cognitive Theories Assessing Behavior in Situations US Army spy training Business use of simulations
Social-Cognitive Theories Evaluating Social-Cognitive Theories Based on research Focuses too much on the situation
Comparing the Major Personality Theories
Exploring the Self
Exploring the Self Self Possible selves Spotlight effect
Exploring the Self The Benefits of Self-Esteem Self-efficacy
Exploring the Self Self-Serving Bias People accept more responsibility for good deeds than for bad, successes than failures Most people see themselves as better than average Defensive self-esteem Narcissism
Exploring the Self Culture and the Self Individualism Collectivism
Exploring the Self Culture and the Self