Servant Leadership Serving Those Who Serve Others
What is Servant Leadership Originated in the 1970’sOriginated in the 1970’s Used by many large organizations as their leadership foundationUsed by many large organizations as their leadership foundation A method of leading others through serving othersA method of leading others through serving others
Why This Model? Influences people/teams to accomplish common goalsInfluences people/teams to accomplish common goals Everyone buys into the success of the team and its goalsEveryone buys into the success of the team and its goals Results in powerful outcomes for people and organizationsResults in powerful outcomes for people and organizations
Famous Servant Leaders JesusJesus BuddhaBuddha Martin Luther King, Jr.Martin Luther King, Jr. Mother TeresaMother Teresa Mahatma GandhiMahatma Gandhi Nelson MandelaNelson Mandela They had no power but operated from positions of authority and influence to accomplish great things that changed the world.
Two Kinds of Leaders Those that are Leaders firstThose that are Leaders first Those that are Servants firstThose that are Servants first
Those That Are Leaders First Top-downTop-down Often control othersOften control others Make all decisionsMake all decisions Give ordersGive orders Possessive about their positionPossessive about their position Think they own the leadership positionThink they own the leadership position
Those That Are Servants First Assume leadership only if they see it as the best way to serveAssume leadership only if they see it as the best way to serve Called to lead, not driven to leadCalled to lead, not driven to lead Naturally helpful and want to develop peopleNaturally helpful and want to develop people Not possessive about their leadership positionNot possessive about their leadership position Surrender the position to further develop othersSurrender the position to further develop others
Servant Leaders Truly have servant heartsTruly have servant hearts Their focus is to serve those who serve othersTheir focus is to serve those who serve others Servant leaders may be a leader, follower, or teammateServant leaders may be a leader, follower, or teammate
The Servant Leader Purpose To help people become:To help people become: More autonomousMore autonomous More capableMore capable More effectiveMore effective
Servant Leaders Ask themselves every day:Ask themselves every day: “Who did I grow today?” “Who am I going to grow tomorrow?”
The 10 Characteristics of a Servant Leader ListeningListening EmpathyEmpathy HealingHealing AwarenessAwareness PersuasionPersuasion ConceptualizationConceptualization ForesightForesight StewardshipStewardship Commitment to the growth of peopleCommitment to the growth of people Building communityBuilding community
Take the 10 characteristics of Servant Leader List one way you will demonstrate each servant leadership characteristic starting today!List one way you will demonstrate each servant leadership characteristic starting today!
Listening as a Servant Leader Servant Leaders listen intently to othersServant Leaders listen intently to others What is being saidWhat is being said What is being left unsaidWhat is being left unsaid Thoughts, ideas, opinions, feelings, concernsThoughts, ideas, opinions, feelings, concerns Develop trusting relationshipsDevelop trusting relationships
How do you know when someone is listening to you??
Empathy in the Servant Leader Strives to understand peopleStrives to understand people Recognizes and accept peopleRecognizes and accept people May reject behaviors but never rejects peopleMay reject behaviors but never rejects people Understands diversity – leverages people’s strengthsUnderstands diversity – leverages people’s strengths
How do you know when someone has empathy with you and your situation?
Healing by the Servant Leader Healing relationships is a powerful force to transform people and situationsHealing relationships is a powerful force to transform people and situations Helps the team get along with each otherHelps the team get along with each other To better serve the clientTo better serve the client
How do you know when someone is helping to heal relationships??
Awareness in the Servant Leader Self-awareness and general awarenessSelf-awareness and general awareness Is aware of situations and peopleIs aware of situations and people Is willing to “meet people where they are”Is willing to “meet people where they are” Assists in making things right between peopleAssists in making things right between people
How self aware are you???
Persuasion of the Servant Leader Persuade instead of using positional authority when making decisionsPersuade instead of using positional authority when making decisions Seeks to convince rather than coerce othersSeeks to convince rather than coerce others Effective at building consensus within groupsEffective at building consensus within groups Especially helpful during times of changeEspecially helpful during times of change
How do you persuade people?
Conceptualization of the Servant Leader Dream great dreamsDream great dreams Think beyond the day-to-day realitiesThink beyond the day-to-day realities Looks at long term goalsLooks at long term goals Balance conceptual thinking and day-to- day operational thinkingBalance conceptual thinking and day-to- day operational thinking
Give me an example of conceptual thinking.
Foresight as a Servant Leader Enables the Servant Leader to:Enables the Servant Leader to: Understand lessons from the pastUnderstand lessons from the past The realities of the presentThe realities of the present Likely consequences of decisions on the futureLikely consequences of decisions on the future Rooted in the Intuitive MindRooted in the Intuitive Mind “Gut feelings”“Gut feelings”
Give me an example of your use of foresight.
Stewardship in the Servant Leader Committed to serving othersCommitted to serving others Creates the environment that meets the needs of othersCreates the environment that meets the needs of others Believes in doing things for the greater good of the societyBelieves in doing things for the greater good of the society When the needs of the society are met the needs of the individual are metWhen the needs of the society are met the needs of the individual are met
How do you demonstrate Stewardship???
Commitment to the Growth of People Believe in and seek the intrinsic value people have beyond their tangible contributions as employeesBelieve in and seek the intrinsic value people have beyond their tangible contributions as employees Deeply committed to the growth peopleDeeply committed to the growth people Recognize their responsibility to nurture professional and personal growth in their employeesRecognize their responsibility to nurture professional and personal growth in their employees
How do you show your commitment to the growth of people?
Building Community Large organizations are the primary shaper of people’s livesLarge organizations are the primary shaper of people’s lives Seek to build community within the organization…Seek to build community within the organization… … that meets the needs of all stakeholders… that meets the needs of all stakeholders
How do you help to build community?
Effective Servant Leadership Begins on the inside of a person with a servant heart and then it moves outward to serve othersBegins on the inside of a person with a servant heart and then it moves outward to serve others Requires the heart to transform othersRequires the heart to transform others Creates autonomous, more capable, more effective employeesCreates autonomous, more capable, more effective employees People and organizations achieve goalsPeople and organizations achieve goals