GPS Tracking & Inventory Management GPS Tracking & Inventory Management Presented by: Product Activation Group
GPS Tracking – Overview Case Studies – Explanation & Demonstration Inventory Management – Overview & Flow Inventory – HDFC Case Study Inventory - Features Inventory – Demonstration Stock Audit Report Agenda – GPS Tracking & Inventory Management
GPS Tracking is now a days very popular in identifying a person's current physical location by enabling GPS on his/her smart phone or other mobile devices In simple terms, GPS tracking is basically a way of tracking geographical location of a person GPS Tracking Overview
Location wise record allocation based on the attendance of the executives Challenges – Axis bank assigns resources manually basis on their office location, to work on leads. It doesn’t have any mechanism to auto assign leads based on their current location. Solution – CRMnext proposed GPS tracking to assign the leads to the executives basis on the availability of lead executive by tracking their Check In location. Benefits – Automation of Resource Allocation Sales activity can be traced on the fly Efficient tracking of sales rep activities Case Study - Axis Bank
Field Locator GPS Tracker (Location Based tracking of Field Officers Activity) Challenges – Max finds difficulty to track field officers work. Their field officers usually do not go to meet their customers. They update the status of the activity from their office/home only. Solution – CRMnext provides the GPS Tracking features to track the location of the field officers while working on customer’s site. So, by implementing GPS tracking, they can actually identify the actual lead conversion rates and able to track their FOS work. Benefits – Increase customer satisfaction and loyalty Improved work effectiveness of Representatives Audit Field Officers work using precise GPS data Case Study – Max Life Insurance
Field Officers Location Tracking via GPS tracking System When FOS Checks in, their located will be stamped and Activity will be assigned ‘ To meet customer’ to them basis on their location
GPS Tracking Scenario Demonstration Customer Specific Activity To Perform by RM Activity 1: Meeting with Customer to discuss on Policy Plan Activity 2: To create customize Policy Comparison Sheet Location Based Lead Assignment Lead Name : Zecross Media Pvt LtdAssigned To: Ritu Verma RM Checks In Check In Time: 10:00 AM Location: Noida Sector- 62 Employee Name: Ritu Verma
Employee Attendance – RM Checks In RM Checks In, their location will be tracked. Basis on their attendance, lead will be assigned. Save Check In
Lead 360 Degree – Lead Auto Assigned to RM basis on Location Basis on RM Checks in location, lead will be auto assigned to the RM (Use Attendance Checkbox in Assignment Rule) Open Activities Closed Activities
Customer 360 Degree with Related Activities RM created Activities and Appointments to work upon
Create Activities Related to Customer Meeting Scheduled
Location Stamped against the Activity Meeting Done Once Meeting completed by RM and updates the status as ‘Meeting Done’, the location info will be stamped against the activity
Two Activities Tagged against Customer for RM to work upon Meeting Scheduled
RM Updates Status as ‘Meeting Done’, when meeting with Customer done by RM
Sales Manager runs report for tracking their RMs activities. This report tracks the activity location of RM ‘Ritu’ whose activity due date is ‘Today’
Internet Connection is Must. 'Share Location' settings in browser/app should be enabled to view the Latitude, Longitude and Pincode Google API Key should be added in the web config file that are required to resolve the current address of the person accessing the mobile application. SETTINGS - Basis on device current location, the latitude, Longitude and Pincode will get captured. Drag Latitude, Longitude and Pincode fields while configuring the mobile detail layout of requisite object – Lead/Contact/Activity/Attendance, so that whenever you add/update record, the current location will get captured. Check ‘Google Map on Mobile’ in Company Settings in CRMnext main application. Pre-Requisites
Presented by: Product Activation Group Inventory Management
Inventory is a place to stock goods for future use or sale. Inventory Management is the process of efficiently overseeing the constant flow of units into and out of an existing inventory. It involves planning, coordinating, and controlling the acquisition, storage, handling, movement, distribution, and possible sale, that are needed to meet customer requirements. Inventory Management - Overview Input Procurement Request Generated Inventory Goods in stores Work-in-progress Finished products Equipment etc. Inventory Goods in stores Work-in-progress Finished products Equipment etc. Output Finished Products send to Customers and Sales Order Generated Basic inventory model
To automate stock management process and perform stock auditing Challenges – HDFC find challenges to manage their stocks. They manually handle stock procurement and delivery process and generate daily transactional reports manually on papers. Solution – CRMnext proposed to use Inventory management module which helps them to manage – Stocks in the Warehouse Generation of Procurement Request Dispatch products to the branch/customer Generation of Sales Order. Stock Audit Report Benefits – Increases sales Improves customer service Increase productivity Efficient Stock Management Case Study – HDFC Bank
Inventory supports the following- Warehouse – Place to keep stock and manages stock in/out into the Warehouse Procurement Object – To generate Procurement Request by adding products to procure Sales Order – To generate sales order to deliver products to the customer Stock Audit Report - To generate daily transactional report to track stock in/out within the warehouse. Inventory Features
Warehouse – To Manage Stock in/out Warehouse is a place that manages in/out of the stocks. You can set visibility of warehouse Create a Warehouse
Branch User generates procurement Request to procure Products Procurement Request – To procure products
There are multiple validation on product level to procure product, like – The Product qty should not be less than 10 and not greater than 50 Dudupe rule to check if any procurement request generated of same product in less than 5 days, then you are not eligible to generate same product request.
When Product received by Branch, Stock Updated in the Warehouse, When the procured products received by branch and status updated as ‘Received at Branch’, the stock will be updated in the warehouse. Received at Branch
Sales Order Generated, when product delivered to the Customer Once the product is sent to the Customer, Sales order will be auto generated Handover to Staff/CSRM
Stock Audit Report - Overview Stock Audit report covers the entire movement of stocks Stock Audit is performed by the Sales representatives to check the transactions performed in a day as well their Opening and closed balance of stocks. Benefits – Easy Tracking of Entire Stock Movements Effective management of stocks in the Warehouse
Stock Audit Report - Features Generate Stock Audit Report – The Stock audit will be generated by Branch User at EOD Confirmed Stock Audit Report Generation – Once confirmed by Checker (Branch Manager), the report will be generated. At the Time of report generation, no transaction will be performed. Roll Back Feature – Branch User should have the provision to Roll back, in that case, the warehouse will get un-freezed and stock in/out can be performed Print Report – Print Button to print report Export Report – To export report in CSV format Date Filter to generate Report – To filter report data basis on selected date Product wise Summarization – To summarize data basis on same products.
Stock Audit - Creation At the EOD, the Stock Audit report will be generated by the Branch User to keep track of the stock in/out into the warehouse. Once the stock audit confirmed by the checker, the report will be generated and warehouse will get freezed. Basis on Selected Warehouse Stock Audit flow basis on status codes
Stock Audit Report - Generation The Stock Audit report will be generated by the Branch User to keep track of the stock in/out into the warehouse. Report Data
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