Dr Karyn Bosomworth (& SCARP) RMIT University Adaptation pathways planning
context Clean Energy Future Plan: Land Sector Measures Regional NRM Planning for Climate Change Fund Stream 1 SEWPAC Stream 2 DIICCSRTE Element 1: National CC Projections CSIRO & BoM Element 2: NRM CC Impacts & Adaptation Research Program Stream 1 AdaptNRM & CMAs Stream 2 Research (Eg SCARP)
context 3 Southern Slopes Climate Change Adaptation Research Partnership CSIRO 2014
research approach: co-design, -analysis & -production (PAR) 4 Scoping meetings Focus groups and interviews Planning workshops Build relationships Define scope Understand context Support planners Engage partners Generate ideas Identify projects
four ‘needs’/ projects identified 5 support spatial analysis (CO2 seques’n) synthesise impacts & adapt’n info knowledge exchange manage for change (range of futures….)
Southern Slopes Information Portal
adaptation pathways ‘whats’ ‘whys’ ‘hows’ where to….. Adaptation pathways - SCARP7
adaptation pathways – what is it? Hassnoot et al 2013 Seed Consulting 2014
robust and flexible strategies strategic rather than reactive dialogue from risk assessments to action planning allows action now with eye to long-term synergies with best practice NRM Adaptation pathways - SCARP9 why pathways?
10 adaptation pathways – what’s involved?
Adaptation pathways - SCARP11 adaptation pathways – establish goals & objectives asset/ landscape area scale pathways aim climate change-ready? (Dunlop et al 2013)
Adaptation pathways - SCARP12 adaptation pathways – current situation analysis Explore ‘problem structure’ history stakeholders values divergence system uncertainty scales capacities
adaptation pathways – futures analysis 13 RCP8.5 high emissions RCP4.5 & 6.0 intermediate RCP2.6 very low emission DRAFT
Adaptation pathways - SCARP14 adaptation pathways – develop pathways Seed Consulting 2013 Hassnoot et al 2013
adaptation pathways – relationship to existing planning Adaptation pathways - SCARP15
adaptation pathways & SCARP Adaptation pathways - SCARP16 Upcoming workshops East Gipps - 17 Sep Vic CMA forum - 23 Sep SCARP CMAs – 24 Sep NCCARF Conf – 30 Sept GH CMA – 8 Oct VASP PP – 22 Oct Corang CMA – 10 Nov ………..
Thank you Adaptation pathways - SCARP17