A PART OF SURVEY CANADASLOVACCHIASPAGNAMACEDONIAPOLONIA 1)What is the impact of a simulation for student learning rather than other methods? This is a personal feeling but I would say “motivation”. The simulation makes students active in their learning. Simulation applies experiences of student to reality. They often know theory, every paragraph of acts, definitions and other characteristic, but if they have to fill e. g. invoice, there is a problem, they train communication skills especially with their colleagues. They train also their presentation skills and many other… Experiental learning, more active and autonomous, the instructor is just a moderator o facilitator in the learning process, it is more fun and their motivation is also higher. I have conducted a survey at the end of the VC course and the students prefer it over rather theoretical lectures/courses The impact is huge and the benefits to the students are obvious. In our practice firm (which is a virtual business consulting firm) the students not only simulate the administrative functions of a company (accounting, personal issues, promotional activities), but also can participate in real-life business consulting projects (for real-life companies). Thanks to it, the students have much deeper touch with business practice, as compared to other teaching methods.
Summary Virtual enterprise are able to teach more than the lecture lessons. Students are enjoyng this kind of innovative educational system. Mix between theory and practical knowledges. Deep and new communication skills.
JUST A LITTLE BIT OF A POLL CANADA 1) How it is structured the course of practice firm? a) hours a total of 39 hours per semester(by group) b) number lections in a week 1 session per week c) duration of each lection 3 hours per session d) how many time in an a year 2 to 3 times a year (around 40 students per group) 2) Virtual enterprise course is associeted with an particular frontal teaching? a)Yes : which discipline audit b)No