HCI Webinar: Expanding and Sustaining Leadership to Make Progress September 10, 2014
Adrienne Paine Andrews & Chan Brown, moderators Jeff Usher, Kansas Health Foundation Scott Wituk & Joyce McEwen Crane, presenters Center for Community Support and Research, Wichita State University Presenters
Provide some helpful information about skillfully maintaining your coalition leadership team or coalition team members in order to sustain your important work Provide some tools and insight into the importance of succession planning now, so you can avoid headaches in the future Create a networking opportunity for Leadership Teams to learn from each other and explore ideas together Purposes
Forever Kansas Health Coalition Success for 6 years with ‘awareness’ type events Considering local policies related to streets/sidewalks to encourage safe walking/biking, etc. Unable to effectively engage the County Manager Possible interpretations? Experiments to try? Coalition Building Scenario
Which of the KLC leadership competencies is most critical for expanding leadership? Diagnose SituationManage Self Energize OthersIntervene Skillfully Participant poll
Technical Aspects Vision/mission statements Structure/function of the coalition New data Strategic goals Tracking progress/celebrating accomplishments Faction/stakeholder map Resources Expanding Leadership
Adaptive Aspects Strengths/Energy History/conflict Power Competition Successful collaborations/coalitions – 70% is about creating a safe space for shared vision and 30% depends on structure/follow-through/working together Expanding Leadership
Planning for natural and unexpected transitions Oh No!! Sustaining Leadership
Jackson County Health & Wellness Coalition Success over 14 years in community Cynthia is key leadership team member—heavily involved Cynthia is moving away very soon How do you respond to this news? What do you wish you had taken care of? What needs to be in place for a smooth transition? Coalition Building Scenario
Do you currently have a written succession plan in place for key positions in your coalition? Yes/No Participant Poll
Do you have written position descriptions for the Coordinator or Coalition members? Yes/No Participant Poll
When is the last time these were updated? Within the last year Never They have not yet been created Participant Poll
Examples of transitions: What was helpful to make them go smoothly? What did you learn the hard way? Community Coalition Examples
Job descriptions/key task lists Position designations Cross training Communication needs Business as usual items Succession Planning Ideas
Questions? Succession Planning
Closing remarks Look for a survey Announcements Wrap-Up