2 nd International ASIA QA FORUM EVENT INFO This event will be a venue for all QA specialists and scientists working in Asia to expand their intellectual horizons by discussing the role of Quality Assurance in GLP, GCP/CVP, and GMP areas, addressing the needs of each governmental regulatory authority, and reviewing the current challenges and developmental phases of every sector in quality assurance. DATE: July 2 nd ~ 3 rd, 2015 PLACE: Hoam Faculty House, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea Take a closer look at the site: EARLY REGISTRATION starts: March 1st, 2015 For More Information Contact: KSQA Secretariat - WE CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO THE 2 ND INTERNATIONAL ASIA QA FORUM “Continuing Endeavors to Enhance Quality in Asia” hosted by The Korea Society of Quality Assurance INVITATION Dear Colleagues, I would like to invite you with open arms to the Asia Quality Assurance Forum 2 nd International Forum, which will brings together quality assurance specialists who are leading development and communications on Quality Assurance in the GLP, GCP/CVP, and GMP field around Asia. This upcoming Asia Quality Assurance Forum, which marks its 2nd forum this year, is one of the biggest biennial events for quality assurance specialists in Asia. The event has served as a venue for discussion of major current issues on quality assurance among QA specialists, scientists, and administrators resulting in the mutual growth of quality assurance in the above fields. We look forward to seeing all of you, with the belief that the Asia Quality Assurance Forum 2 nd International Forum in Seoul will provide you with unforgettable moments. Thank you. Chun-Chul Shin, Ph.D President, KSQA Images provided by Korean Tourism Organization
The ASIA QA FORUM CURRENT MEMBERS SUMMARY OF 1 ST AQAF The 1 st AQAF was held for one and a half day packed with informative and insightful presentations given by representatives from all across Asia. Keynote lecture was given by Ms. Seiko Miyazaki from the Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices Agency (PDMA) on “ Strengthening Cooperation among Asian Drug Regulatory Authorities” The presentations by each speaker from their respective countries included introduction of each countries GLP system, recent GLP trends or updates, domestic compliance programs, inspection experience and much more. The purpose of establishing the Asia QA Forum is to construct a framework that provides opportunities for information exchange with various groups, discussion of quality assurance matters in GxP, mutual support and collaboration on quality assurance issues, and educating/training QA professionals in the Asia Region. KEY DATES 2011 Nov 3 rd GQAC Drafted Establishment of the Asia QA Forum 2013 July 5 th – 6 th Held the first Asia QA Forum in Tokyo, Japan, hosted by JSQA Held the first General Council Assembly The Host: KSQA For the creation of a biotechnological product, one must endeavor through exploratory research, preclinical tests, and clinical trials. Good practices including GLP (Good Laboratory Practice), GCP (Good Clinical Practice) and GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) are essential standards that provide reliability in the utmost scientific and rationale way throughout safety evaluation, clinical trial management and manufacturing processes. Now with globalization of the biotechnology industry, operation under these good standards like GLP, GCP, GMP should strictly adhere to a global standard. Among these global tides, KSQA stands to connect quality assurance professionals in information exchange, provide various training programs, enhance abilities of the individuals and exchange resources on current international regulations. KSQA is also working avidly with the US SQA (Society of Quality Assurance) and JSQA (Japan Society of Quality Assurance) and pursuing to be a global leader in the quality fields. Hope to see you in Seoul, South Korea! July 2 nd ~ 3 rd 2015