Citizenship Dr.SarammaMathew
legal status rights participation
Meaning of Citizenship The Constitution of India provides for a single citizenship for the entire country. A person can become the Indian citizen by birth, by descent, by registration or by naturalization. work towards the betterment of their community through economic participation, public service, volunteer work --- The status of a citizen with its attendant duties, rights, and privileges.
Characteristics of an Effective Citizen embraces core democratic values responsible for well-being of self, family knowledge of the, history, and traditions Is aware of issues that impact people Actively participates in civic, community life Make government accountable Take personal responsibility for civic duty
IMPORTANCE OF EFFECTIVE CITIZENSHIP IN A DEMOCRACY Democracies needs active, informed and responsible citizens, who are aware of their duties, rights and responsibilities as citizens; who have respect for justice, democracy and the rule of law, openness, tolerance and courage to defend a point of view. Who have knowledge and understanding about laws and rules, the democratic process, the media, human rights, diversity, money and the economy,
Democracies needs active, informed and responsible citizens, who are willing to take responsibility for themselves and their community and are concerned about the welfare of others; who are informed about social and world politics, sustainable development and world as a global community.
Role of Education in Effective Citizenship Should organize citizenship education activities Every student must participate in these activities. Activities should expand civic knowledge, develop participation skills, and support the belief that, in a democracy, the actions of each person make a difference. Students should have opportunities to apply their civic knowledge, skills, and values as they solve real problems in their school, the community, our nation, and the world.
The schools should ensure that: Citizenship education is integrated throughout and across the curriculum Students have meaningful opportunities to participate in class and school governance. Activities like cleanliness drives, planting trees and protecting heritage building Celebration of national festivals like republic day and independence day Cultural Activities like dance and drama Learning activities extend beyond the school and invite parents and the community to participate and work with students
Demonstrate that involving in civic agency can lead to higher quality education. Involve all constituencies. Administrators, faculty, staff, students, alumni, and community Take advantage of student-produced news and information. Encourage students at different institutions to collaborate Strengthen research about youth civic engagement. Attend to the international as well as the domestic context and dimensions of civic agency. Educate for global as well as local and national citizenship.